June 11, 2006

Once a City Gal, not always a City Gal

It is official. I am a FARM WIFE. The city girl is now long in the past and will stay that way...Permanently. I have really enjoyed my vacation, please don't get me wrong, but I'm ready for the peace and quiet of my little farm. The farm I don't leave for days at a time. The farm where there are very few of us (humans) residing. The farm that is mine. *** I am tired...but as Art and Daddy and I keep saying, it's a good tired. This morning we went up to see Axl and Princess's new house. The kids had a wonderful time playing Uncle Axl's drums and checking out his little sister Berry's room (she and Axl's mom also live with them...Berry is 9). We all went out for B.B.Q. and that's when the weekend caught up to me. I had to go into the bathroom and cry...not a quiet little sniffle, I mean a full out sobbing cry. *** Once that was over I felt better and we headed home to get ready for the reunion. Art picked me up and we set off. It was a blast. It's very surreal to see people you used to be very close to, but haven't seen in 10 years. Zann and Former did a fantastic job tracking folks down and setting this all in motion. I would just like to scream, "THANK YOU!!!!!" at them, but I still have no voice. *** Mama and I are loading up the kids and heading back to the farm tomorrow and I am ready. It's been wonderful spending time with my family and with Art and her brood. I am so truly thankful for this opportunity...even with the hitches. *** By the way, #1 Son is doing better. The swelling is gone and we're just contending with dry skin following the reaction. No sun for the rest of the week and I think he should be good to go. Thank the Lord. *** I'm going to go have Mama and Daddy pray over me and then I'm going to crash...hard (I hope). 'Nite!

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