June 12, 2006

Off we go, into the wild blue yonder...

We are off. The kids are still sleeping, Mama's getting her stuff together, I'm going to start loading up the van and away we go! I'm praying for a safe, quiet, peaceful trip...if you think about send up a prayer for us. The trip down went exceptionally well and I'm hoping for a repeat.

Did, It was wonderful to see you this weekend and to meet up with H.B. after all this time. Love the ring! Good luck with the wedding plans and try to call me every once in a while. :)

Squeggie, I can't believe I actually got to see you this weekend! I have to say I don't think you've changed in the past 10 years. You're as entertaining as ever! It was World History with Fly revisited.

Zann, you're a gem. I still can't believe you pulled this off! Please extend my thanks to Former when you get the chance. It was a blast and it was so good to get to see you again!

Bellebunny, I was sorry you couldn't make it this weekend, but it was awesome to hear your voice! Squeggie may be out of minutes for the next 4 years, but we all got to talk to out Nettie! I miss you. I'm thrilled that you're enjoying your life in the great North.

Art, It was so hard to tell you good bye last night...even with the interruptions. Your kids are beautiful. They are precious. They're having a tough time and that is to be expected, but know that they are good kids and you are doing your best. I love you so much. You have stuck with me through thick and thin. I don't know what I would've done without you. This weekend was fantastic because I got to spend so much of it with you.

Well, this tired Farm Wife is headed back to her farm. Ya'll take care!

1 comment:

anonymous jones said...

I can just imagine you clicking your ruby slippers together ...