March 22, 2006

Welcoming the Heir to the Throne

I'm beginning to think Blogger hates me. I keep trying to load pictures to no avail. I'm beginning to get a tad frustrated. But it's OK, I'm going to be an aunt! (Hey, what do you know! It finally worked! Add your own caption...Mine is "The Princess and The Farm Wife." She did bring more sensible shoes to wear around the farm, but I loved these.) It's funny how much that phrase seems to be permeating my thinking today. It was the first thing I thought when I woke up this morning. It was the first thing Husband and I talked about...And I'm not even the one who brought it up!

To be fair and truthful, I already am an aunt (when I read that it sounds like "Adam Ant"). To Husband's eldest brother's children. The oldest was born while Husband and I were dating, so I've been there from the beginning. But there is a big difference between your sister-in-law having children, and your sister having children...At least in my case. My Grandmother once said there is a great deal of difference in how you relate to your daughter's children compared to how you relate to your daughter-in-law's children. I think that is also true.

At any rate, I'm already making plans. I have to send Princess my Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy, and What to Expect When You're Expecting, and I need to pick out rock'n'roll material for a baby blanket (just for Big Daddy Axl, who is a rock star!!), and then I must shop for super cute maternity clothes for the fasionista, and then I must learn to knit so I can make the newest love of our lives something truly adorable, and then I should get the blanket Princess began cross stitching for Baby Girl 5 years ago, and finish it for the Heir to the Throne...Yes, that's what I'll call the baby...HT for short. I think I may need to calm down, or I won't make it until December.

When I got off the phone with Princess last night, I had to call Mama (or the Queen Mother as someone recently called her). She answered and said, "And how are you?" You know how you can tell when someone is grinning ear to ear over the phone...We both were. We were just a few inches from being giggling third graders.

Then I sent Husband an E-mail at work that very closely resembled the previous post. His response? "is it mine" I told you, the boy's just not right. Just ask his mother-in-law. She'll attest to it.


Hausfrau said...

I was having a terrible time trying to upload pictures Monday, and finally gave up. Must be a glitch in the blogger system.

Also ... Congratulations on the Auntie news!

Brando said...

Congrats of being an Aunt. My brother is set to have their first in just a few weeks. I will be a first time Auntie also!

I can't wait to break out the Mountain Dew and suckers! Hee Hee

Art the Omnipotent said...

one of these things is not like the other ones, one of these things does not belong!
Alright, alright, I see you tried to call last night, I was on a double date. Kinda. Anyway, I can't call you back unless you get off the computer you big turd!!!

zann said...

wow... those are some kinda shoes! So pointy and buckled - they scream "Rebel". I like it :)
So are those her feet or your feet? It's amazing how much I've pondered this picture today.

I like all your plans. In fact you have 5 plans listed and you have a good month and a bit to accomplish each thing on your list. You better get crackin! You should nab yourself a countdown for this occasion to keep you on track - try :)
I swear I don't get paid to promote them. I just think they are fun.

emily said...

Yea for being an aunt again!

Yea for those rockin' shoes.

Sarah said...

I will never be cool enough to pull off the heels with jeans look. I'm too much of a fashion victim -lol!

FarmWife said...

Just so you kow, I'm not the one in the pointy heels. I'm the one in the farm boots. I'd love to wear sexy shoes, but it's a little hard to match stilletos to a diaper bag, much less walk in them while balancing a toddler on one hip and a packing the afore mentioned diaper bag on the opposite shoulder. Maybe someday...when we pave the driveway.

Nan said...

Blogger is being very tempermental today. (Is that spelled right?) I've been trying to get in for awhile now and it's just finally letting me through (I think).

So what was did I have to say that kept me coming back...The shoe shot is great! Great scrapbook photo!

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

LOVE those boots...maybe you can take a sharpie and dress them up...add a few flowers or something.. I too have more farm shoes than dress...oh i don't even know if I have a dress that fits anymore....A farm Auntie is the best...