March 18, 2006

Just a Note.

On another note about my siblings... Mary Englebreit has a line of art work called "The Queen of Everything." Mama and Daddy bought me a shirt with that on it. A few years later we found "The Princess of Quite a Lot." That's what they get for Princess...Hence the name.

Shortly after Baby Girl was born we found "The Prince of Whatever's Left." There you go Bubba!

1 comment:

Nan said...

I LOVE Mary Englebreit. I bought her book, "Mary Englebreit, The Art and the Artist," which is about her early drawings all the way to her most recent ones. Last week I showed Eliza the pictures she drew when she was a little girl and how they got more detailed and stronger as she practiced and got older. She said, "I think I could do that." I hope she does. I wish I had.