Next you'll see my new boots. You see, the old ones still haven't dried out from my dunk in the flood waters, and I really needed what Husband calls "summer boots." My other pair are much shorter, but more insulated. These would have been more appropriate for our flood hopping adventure, but then they'd be full of water now and I would have nothing to wear while going to visit my new additions to the flock!

And I'd like you to meet the newest addition to my flock. 4 turkeys and 4 ducks. We're not sure of the breeds, I'll try to find out and let you know later. We live for chick days at Rural King. Big BIL came over today and said our old home town had lots of birdies, so we hopped in the van and hauled tail to see. These are the babies who needed to come home with us. Last year the turkeys didn't fare so well. This year we're hoping for better results. #1 Son has offered to shoot the bear he accused of eating the last of the turkeys. He was going hunting the other day complete with Pull-ups and his pop gun. It was raining and he wanted to borrow my umbrella!
It's funny. Two adventures in two days and I'm liking my family more and more all the time. Husband and I are laughing again. It's been too long!
I want you to know that I uploaded these pictures one at a time (Blogger won't let me do more) at 24.0 Kbps. Anything for my fans!!! I've always wanted to say that! ;)
This suburban girl really has no idea...but she will guess anyway. At first sight, the top picture looks like a burn pile of leaves with old rose petals not yet burned. The old rose petals would be from ex-boyfriends who existed long before you knew you'd be a Farm Wife. But, when I click on the picture and bring it to the full screen, the rose petals start looking like snails or some other slightly gross creature. But, then my imagination gets going, and I wonder if I'm looking at chicken hearts or some other body part I never eat when G-ma M&M makes poultry. My imagination gets even worse at this point, but I won't continue on account that my mother reads this and I don't really want to get grounded. That's what used to happen if I scared myself reading books I was too young to be reading. Okay, you can laugh at the suburban girl now.
Oh, and thanks for sacrificing for us fans. We always anxiously await your new posts.
I've always wanted a duckling - however I've never wanted a duck so I've never jumped into that adventure. I haven't got the foggiest what that picture is. It looks like internal organs of some type up close, but from a distance they look like petals from a flower. Chicken gizzards perhaps? I have no clue.
Thank you so much for the sacrifice -- isn't it worth it to make us happy??
I'm a country girl but I don't really know what the picture is about ... it does look like chicken livers though.
The ducklings are cute (but I only like to take pictures of them)and the turkeys are rather scary looking.
And yes, Ed owns a 2003 HD Sportster. This will be the first year I've truly been able to ride more than once or twice. We plan on riding at least an hour every weekend that the weather is nice. Yesterday was Paradise on the back of that bike. It was made even more perfect when he took me to a champagne brunch (not as fancy as it sounds) at a restaurant 30 miles away. You should have seen the looks we got as we carried our helmets in. Obviously, they don't get many bikers!
At first glance I thought flower petals, then somekind of snail, larvae, or cocoon thing growing on twigs ... Upon final inspection though I'm guessing gizzards. Doing some butchering lately? We had snow last night. School is late. I want spring .... PS: like the new boots.
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