That's what I call relaxed! Aurora sleeps like this on a regular basis. It's very strange. Tonight I put Baby Girl in bed and went to take care of B.B. Aurora was jealous and started barking. From the bed room I hear this little voice scream, "Aurora, Will you shut up?! I'm tryin' to sleep in here!"
Husband had the day off today. I suggested we go out ("we" meaning the people in the house over the age of 5). After chores Husband came in and suggested we all get dressed and go to town. Date night turned into Family Date Night...But I really didn't mind.
We went to Burger King and discovered next time we must eat first and play second. No one really wanted to eat. B.B. got up inside the big gym/slide/play area and I had to go in after him. That was fun...Sort of.
Once we pulled everyone out of Burger King kicking and screaming, we headed to the bowling alley. Now, if you've never taken 3 small children bowling before, I highly suggest you skip it! Baby Girl was the only one big enough for bowling shoes. We had the place to ourselves and they set us up with two lanes. One with and one without the bumpers.
It took us about 3 times longer to bowl a game than it did Pre-Kids, but it was entertaining none the less. Baby Girl and #1 Son took turns bowling the same game. He'd throw the first ball and she'd throw the second. As long as she knocked down a pin, she'd scream, "I win! I win!"
I am very proud to say that for the first time in nearly 9 years, I beat Husband at bowling!!!!!! I am not a bowler. I once bowled a 12. Today I got 2 spares and 2 strikes (one spare and the two strikes were in 3 consecutive frames). This was a new thing for me. Of course the frame after my two strikes, I bowled 2 gutter balls, but I still won. Husband (who was a very gracious looser which is not the norm for him) said he was too distracted to bowl a good game. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the kids and me singing Go, Daddy, Go from the Backyardigans every time he got up to bowl.
Just for the record, the score was 95 to 90...I didn't say I won by much...And I also said I am not a bowler.
Sounds like you had fun even if it wasn't the date night you had intended! We took 4 kids bowling before ... haven't done it since. I got tired of chasing bowling balls in the lobby area (unintentionally rolled the wrong way!). I'm glad I was able to cheer you with pictures of spring -- I should have said signs of summer as it has been 80 degrees plus for 3 days now. I get date time today on the back of Ed's Harley. That's when I truly know Spring is here. Have a great Sunday!
Wow! You have seen something not many adults over the age of ten have ever seen. The maze in the playland sky reachable only by climbing "up" the down slide or by wiggling among the levels on the gym. You have been to "no adult land" and lived to tell about it.
Date night sounds wonderful and so cool that you wrapped it up with a win.
Date nights make me happy. Whether they are mine or reading about yours.
I love that picture of Aurora. She looks incredibly comfy
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