Aurora is exactly three weeks older than Luke. What a difference three weeks makes! Give them another month and B.B. will be able to ride them (#1 Son already tried).
Molly is in labor. Husband moved an extra dog house into their pen today and her water broke around 5:30 tonight. I guess she's trying to keep our numbers up. As long as she has at least 6 puppies we should break even (since we lost the sow and butchered chickens yesterday).
Husband said he had good timing moving the dog house. I think Molly was waiting for him. Poor thing was probably walking around for the last 3 days thinking, "Where the heck does he think I'm going to have these pups? In that house with the boys? I don't think so!" So once he moved it she was more than ready!
You guys must have a fertility ritual around there. All this birthin' of babies!
(How exciting!)
What a small world. Tracy is the lady that I know. Her puppies are always to cute! I love their puppy breath! Are you going to the "woo haa" with Needles? If you do I have some puppy pads that I would give you. Waylon thought that they were chew toys and scattered a few of them all over the floor. :)
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