Luke's here! We got him home with little trouble and Baby Girl is watching over him like a hawk. I'm waiting for her to throw a fit when it comes time for bed (which was really about 30 minutes ago, but I don't think one night up late will hurt). Luke seems tiny compared to Aurora. She is exactly three weeks older than he is, but she's probably 3 times bigger than he is! We're keeping them separate for the time being. At least until he catches up in size a bit.
He seems to have a film in his eye at the moment. If it isn't clearer on Monday we may have to make a run to the vet. He's also VERY subdued. I'm pretty sure it's because of all the trauma of the day. He's left home, been bathed, and taken up residence with Barnum and Bailey Circus...No, wait, those aren't circus folk...They're my kids!
Husband wants to register him as Luke Sky (Insert my maiden name). For those of you who don't know me in the real world (or who've forgotten my maiden name), it's very punny. My cousin wants to have a son and name him that, but Husband thinks he'll have a hard time finding a woman willing to stick her child with that handle. I hope J.G. won't be too upset!
I LOVE the name. Very punny indeed. Your hubby certainly can be humorous and clever when he wants to be. Go for it. You might as well, after having birthed a truck and a dog kennel.....which reminds me that B.B. doesn't have a unique acronym. Hmm.....we might have to rename him.....
Love the pun!
We have some people we know leaving for China to get their baby girl as the were leaving the house their 4 year old son raised the window in his room and yellled
"May the forse be with you!" What a character he is!
What a cute PUPPY!!! I know a lady in Lawrenceville that raises Great Danes. Where did you get Luke?
Puppies are amazing in how fast they can grow. Waylon or new boxer puppy as gained 12 lbs in the past 2 months! He is huge!
Looking at that adorable picture, it's hard to believe he will be the size of a pony! I admire you for your ability to handle/love all the creatures (animal and human) you have and still have a wonderful sense of humor! I struggle sometimes with 2 boys, a hubby, a puppy and a Rott dog. What's your secret?????
You know, I had just about forgotten your maiden name, then I remembered Allen Crumley's real first name and an amusing conversation we had back in the good ol' Champ days. It was along the lines of him trying to convince me women 'had' to change their last name when they got married and as an example he said, "See, she's changing her last name!" to which I responded, "With that last name, I don't blame her." No offense to your good family name, but lots of offense to good ol' you-know-who. ;)
"We need a set-up to the W____er!" Hee!
What a cute, cute puppy! No wonder she's watching him like a hawk!
Well my child has that handle but I don't think that will be why he has trouble finding a spouse.
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