February 23, 2006

Ahh...Young Love!

First of all, I would just like to thank you all for the support you showed yesterday. I don't want it to be said I was having a pitty party. It was just a rough day. It did improve as the day went on. The weather was decent so I snuck out for a bit to rake leaves out of my front flower bed (don't ask why this wasn't done in the fall...I'm not a good gardener). The pup went out with me and as I was burning off the leaf pile, my mom called. We talked for quite a while and I felt much better.

Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone who came to my tea party Tuesday. It was interesting to see who was lurking in the shadow, hear from those who's presence was known, and make a new friend or two. Maybe we'll make it an annual event! Or more frequent if I feel like it.

Yesterday Baby Girl had an issue with her boyfriend. I never went to Pre-k, but I remember the traumas of kindergarten love. She told me that she played in the Play-dough center with M., her boyfriend. She made a snow man and a Christmas tree with ornaments. M. said her Christmas tree was stupid and her feelings were hurt. Ms. G (the teacher) told M. to appologize. When he refused, he was given the choice: time out or a trip to the office. As Baby Girl said, "He wouldn't pick so Ms.G picked for him. He had to go to the office 'cause he wouldn't 'pologize!" I asked if M. was still her boyfriend and she said, "Yeah, Mom. He just had to go to the office." She must think I'm fickle, but I'd dump him if he called my art stupid!

I guess there's also an argument about whether or not he's really her boyfriend. M. said another girl is his girlfriend. The other girl disagrees and Baby Girl keeps staking her claim. "He says I'm not his girlfriend. He says B is. But she's not really. I am really." This could get bad. I was prepared for this in 7th or 8th grade, but not now!

B.B. has begun nesting. Every night (and a few afternoons around nap time) he takes all the throw pillows and blankets in the living room and piles them on the lineolum in front of the door. He then spends the next 30 minutes to an hour arranging and rearranging them. Finally he flops down in the middle of the pile on the bare floor and tries to sleep. Last night he actually fell asleep under my farm coat in the middle of his nest. Sometimes I wonder about these kids!


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Aaaaah, young love.

Dana Glover said...

I guess I should feel fortunate then that CJ informed me this morning that he doesn't like any girls in his class "'cause I don't have time for any of that!" Do you think this will last till graduation? :)
Glad you're having a better day!

zann said...

I use to build nests :) I still do occassionally but not quite the same way I use to... my nests are usually on the couch these days :) how every cute.

Ah yes, they start younger and younger don't they? Both my neices (8 and 4) have boyfriends. B (the 4 year old) informed my mom recently that she didn't like her boyfriend anymore. When my mom asked why she said it was because "he scares me". This caused Gran some concern so she questioned further. "He scares me Gran" she said, "He jumps out from behind the kitchen center and scares me." I thought that was adorable. I'm with you though, if Baby Girl's boyfriend had told my my art was stupid I would have dumped him too. But at least you know she's a forgiving child :)

PS. sorry about not posting yesterday - I thought I had but looking back apparently not. I feel that way too sometime even though I'm not out in the boonies.

Mrs Pop said...

I'm sorry about not posting yesterday or on the tea party post. :( Glad you're feeling better.

Let me just say this, the main reason I went back to work was because I couldn't take the lonliness anymore! I live in a rather large city, but still only managed to talk to two adults on a daily basis for about a year and a half and rarely left my house. It's hell on the psyche. So for everyone's benefit, we decided it would be best if I rejoined the workforce and put my little guy in daycare. It's a guilt thing I still struggle with, but it's much easier now that he has friends he plays with. He also comes home singing a new song just about every day. And they help with the potty training. ;)

I had a boyfriend in kindergarten. We played house. He kissed me. Someone saw and made fun of us. We broke up. I had a crush on the boy right up through high school graduation.

Sarah said...

I had a little boyfriend when I was in preschool... We ended up becomign friends and meeting again in college - weird, eh? It didn't work out, but how funny to go out with (as an "adult") the boy you played in the sandbox with. Ya just never know!