January 20, 2006

They're Here!

No, not poltergeist, the guinea pigs. And they are amazing. They hadn't been in their cage 2 full minutes when they not only learned Baby Girl's name, but could squeak it. I'm calling the Associated Press.

They're really cute, but then aren't all new pets? It isn't until they've destroyed your couch that you see their true colors. But then these are guinea pigs, not Great Danes. They're calicos and I'm hoping the same rule applies to them that applies to cats. Until we're sure of their genders they will remain nameless like the goldfish. Oh, and they're the kind with the funky hair (which fits perfectly with this family... #1 Son has 3 crowns and a cowlick!).


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Dig out that digital camera and share.

Anonymous said...

I think that we spent too much time on the pigs and not enough time on the poultergeist. I'm absolutely sure at least one of your children is psychic, so bring out the divining stick and let's hear about the results. Considering that this is a farmhouse...I wonder if the diembodied spirits of the chickens aren't hanging around as poultrygeists. Inquiring minds want to know.