January 2, 2006

One Hundred and One Things I Like (in no particular order)

1. Illinois sunsets

2. Tennessee Hills

3. Baby Girl’s hair after her bath

4. Bed time

5. Nap time

6. 90’s Grunge Rock

7. Mail

8. Peonies in the Summer

9. Tulips in the Spring

10. The first days of Fall

11. Phone calls

12. Old movies

13. New movies

14. Old books

15. New books

16. Long baths

17. Hot showers

18. Baby Girl’s hugs and kisses

19. #1 Son’s hugs and kisses

20. B.B.’s hugs and kisses

21. Nights on the couch with Husband

22. Black cherries

23. Babies in sunglasses

24. Hats

25. Dishwashers

26. Laundry on the line

27. New clothes

28. Fresh paint

29. Cookouts

30. Campfires

31. Swimming

32. Old cars

33. Taking pictures

34. Old photos

35. Mozart

36. Tattoos

37. Mountain views

38. Watching videos with the kids

39. Reading to Baby Girl at bed time

40. The zoo

41. The circus

42. Museums

43. Shopping

44. Apple cider

45. Kites

46. Family dinners

47. Classical music

48. Running errands alone

49. Coming home

50. Hummingbirds

51. Makeover shows

52. Christmas

53. Thanksgiving

54. Making gift baskets

55. Picture frames

56. Trees in the spring and in the fall

57. Roller coasters

58. Chocolate

59. Men in suits/Ladies in dresses

60. Elephants

61. Shoes

62. “When I was your age” stories

63. Open windows

64. Sunny Days

65. Nail polish

66. Take out Pizza

67. Rhinestones

68. Christmas Trees

69. Newborns

70. First steps

71. Fire places

72. Dancing

73. Antique stores

74. Flea markets

75. Craft fairs

76. Haircuts

77. Catalogues

78. The moment of realization

79. Family outings

80. 74 degrees, Sunny, Light breeze

81. Nights out with Husband

82. Random kisses

83. Laughing till my sides hurt

84. Shoulder rubs

85. School supplies

86. Figuring out card games

87. Trivia games

88. Making cookies with Baby Girl

89. Playing chase with B.B.

90. The kids laughter

91. Baby Girl’s stories

92. #1 Son after a hair cut (he’s so proud of himself)

93. Baby Girl in pigtails

94. The first time I feel the baby move

95. Worship Service

96. Weddings

97. Southern Accents

98. Soft Pretzels

99. Girl time

100. Ducks

101. New Socks!!

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