January 30, 2006

How's the Sick?

She has Strep Throat. Yuck! A trip to the doctor. A trip to the hospital lab for a strep test. A trip to the pharmacy to pick up Amoxicillin. A trip to the video store to pick up some sanity. Here's hoping the antibiotics kick in soon. At least we don't have to get up early for school this week.

Maybe we'll finish Alice in Wonderland and then we can start on The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. When she's sick she doesn't mind cuddling and reading being quiet.


needlefingers said...

Gee, is that title in homage to The Princess Bride? ;)

Inkling said...

You are such a cool mom. Can I come over for some homemade chicken noodle soup and stories too? Give Baby Girl hugs from me, and tell her I'll visit again when she's feeling better so we can play longer. And if she throws fits taking her medicine, tell her about the magic dance her great-uncles M & S do when they have to take some. It's actually rather entertaining....

Inkling said...

Oh, and I'm up late because Henry David and I were chatting about such vital topics as budgets, clean socks, Kitchen Aid mixers, and the perfect jobs for children in weddings......I'll explain the sock thing later.....

Nan said...

My son has strep too. HIS son had a bunch of boys over this week-end for a sleep-over birthday celebration and unbeknownst to everyone one of the attendees had strep so...naturally he passed it on. Good party, bad present.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Uhoh, hope the little one is feeling better and not sharing her ailment with anyone else.

Paul said...

My daughter gets strep once a year. You may need a stronger anti-biotic than Amoxicillin to zap it.