January 1, 2006

100 Things About Me You Were Dying to Know

  1. I love old movies. I may like them better than new movies. Gone With the Wind is my absolute favorite movie.
  2. My mom and I went to see it at the theater about 6 years ago. She was supposed to have gone home the day before, but I called Daddy and asked to keep her an extra day. It’s one of my favorite memories.
  3. I’ve read Gone With the Wind at least 5 times.
  4. I think Scarlett O’Hara is a pretty horrible person, but I can’t help but adore her. I do not blame Rhett Butler for walking out on her, but I secretly hope he’ll be waiting for her when she gets to Tara.
  5. I hated the book Scarlett, but I read it in one day.
  6. Even thought I was born in the Midwest, I consider myself a Southerner.
  7. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
  8. In high school I was in a theater group. We did one act plays and talent shows and full-scale productions. I loved it. I miss it. I made many good friends there.
  9. I felt like an outsider until I met those people. They accepted me for who I was even though I wasn’t sure who I was yet.
  10. Depression runs in my family and that worries me. So do migraines, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s. That terrifies me.
  11. My mother is one of my best friends. I remember girls saying that in high school and college and I thought they were lying. Maybe they were. We weren’t close then. We are now.
  12. My other best friend is someone I met when I was 13. We didn’t (really) speak until we were 17. Now I’d be lost without her.
  13. Husband and I were married on our 8-month anniversary. And I didn’t believe in short engagements…
  14. We tried for 2 and a half years to have a baby. I had given up hope and was going to trade my station wagon in and buy a Jeep when we found out I was pregnant with Baby Girl.
  15. When she was born I was 25, my father was 50, and his father was 75.
  16. I love piecrust. I wouldn’t eat it until I was in my 20’s. Now I could scoop out the filling and just eat the crust.
  17. I have a hard time remembering which side is my right and which side is my left. Always have.
  18. Therefore I give lousy directions. I keep written directions to our house on the fridge in case anyone needs them.
  19. I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 19. Actually I was 2 months from my 20th birthday.
  20. And then only after 2 failed attempts…one due to trying to turn left after being told to turn right.
  21. I really want an Arby’s roast beef sandwich with Arby’s sauce and a Jamoca shake right now.
  22. I suffer from Psychosymptomatic Syndrome. It is a condition in which women have “a tendency to incorrectly attribute every bodily twinge and twitch to the early stages of pregnancy.” It isn’t even a real condition. But I have it.
  23. I am scared to pick up our chickens.
  24. I think Bird Flu is a sham. I know it’s not, but I think that and mad cow disease were contrived by over zealous PETA members to convince us carnivores to lay off the meat.
  25. I will (on occasion) put clean clothes in the hamper just so I don’t have to hang them up or put them away.
  26. I talk far too much.
  27. I talk even more when I’m nervous.
  28. I’m very insecure and believe most people are. They just don’t want to admit it.
  29. I’m beginning to think I’ll never make it to 100!
  30. Husband makes me laugh when I’m mad at him and that infuriates me. It’s also why I married him.
  31. My children are prettier than 75% of child models I’ve seen.
  32. I do believe there are such things as ugly babies.
  33. Someday I’d like to see New York. I just don’t want to actually go there. That poses a problem.
  34. I am a college drop out.
  35. I still know all the words to a song from the Christmas program at church 20 years ago.
  36. I can’t remember what my Husband told me 20 minutes ago.
  37. My kids like to eat bread for lunch. That’s it. Just bread. I let them…sometimes.
  38. I collect Elephants. I bought my first official one the summer I turned 18.
  39. I have been to 6 schools including 2 colleges.
  40. I went to the same college my folks did. I lived in family housing there as an infant.
  41. I loved my college roommate. I haven’t seen her in 11 years. I haven’t spoken to her in almost 5. I don’t even know where she is.
  42. In 7th grade I took Karate.
  43. When I was 3 I was in ballet.
  44. I dropped out of Karate to be in the school chorus.
  45. I dropped out of ballet to take swimming lessons at the Y.
  46. I cannot play an instrument.
  47. I was in marching band for 3 years.
  48. I was in the flag corps. I loved it!
  49. When I grow up I want to write a book. I have no clue how to begin (growing up or writing a book).
  50. My name is Farm Wife and I am a junk food addict. I cannot have Peeps in the house or I’ll eat the entire box in 1 day. And I don’t mean the one little row; I’m talking about the entire box. And don’t get me started on those Devil’s food cookies!!!
  51. Our parents took Princess and me camping for an entire week one summer. I loved it! Bubba was at Busha and Bucka’s that summer. Daddy took him later in the year, but he (Daddy) got a hot coal in his eye and they had to cut the trip short.
  52. Husband used to bring me flowers every time he came to see me. He was persistent. I’m glad.
  53. I have to stop typing now or I may loose my mind. I’ll finish this later.
  54. I am not a morning person. But then I’m really not a night person either. I guess you could say I’m a middle of the afternoon person…as long as I get my nap.
  55. I was never a girl scout. I so wanted to be a Brownie.
  56. My dad got laid off when I was 6. He got a job at Target and I thought that was the greatest thing ever!
  57. This was in the middle of the Great Cabbage Patch Kid riots. Because he worked at Target, I got one (employees got first dibs). It was a bald boy. We traded with the lady down the street for a girl. I was so happy!
  58. I got chickenpox in the 3rd grade. Every girl in my class ended up with them. It’s the only fad I ever started.
  59. When I was 4 the neighbors gave me a dog. They thought it was a shame that I was a child without a pet.
  60. Mama was pregnant with Bubba at the time. She and Daddy said we couldn’t keep the puppy and the baby.
  61. I voted for the puppy.
  62. I was over ruled.
  63. I talk to myself…a lot!
  64. I love to read. I think that’s why I like blogging so much. I love to have new things to read everyday.
  65. I’m not the greatest housekeeper. I do pretty well with the surface things (dishes, laundry, picking up the toys). But I’m not so good at the detail things (dusting, mopping, washing walls, cleaning windows).
  66. My Window’s helper (the paper clip up in the corner) is telling me “Plaid shirts and striped pants rarely make a positive fashion statement.” Just what I need from my computer…fashion advice!
  67. I used to be quite the fashionista. I went through the grunge thing, Goth thing, hippie thing, skater thing, and many, many fads. Now I wear only hand me down t-shirts and jeans. I guess it’s easier to scrub baby puke out of cotton than something with rhinestones!
  68. There’s a club in Nashville I used to go to on occasion. It’s closed now, but it used to be this cool little dive under 4th Ave. Monday nights were ladies night and 80’s night. Art, Did, and I would take over the dance floor. It rocked!
  69. I’m not even sure I can dance. I never really cared if I could or not. A guy there once told me that all white people dance like Charlie Brown. Maybe he’s right.
  70. I used to be a waitress. That was the worst job ever. I made $2.13 and hour plus tips.
  71. I believe 10% is NOT a good tip. 15% is passable. 20% is acceptable. No, the wait staff does not get paid to do their jobs. They get tipped to do their jobs.
  72. I was raised in the Christian Church.
  73. I fell away for quite a few years.
  74. Someone once told me “A backslidden Christian will never be happy in the world because they know the truth.” She was right.
  75. I want to have a large family. Large Family=4 Kids
  76. I want to own a bookstore someday…Like The Shop Around the Corner from You’ve Got Mail.
  77. I like to sew. I’m still teaching myself to do it.
  78. My Grandmother was a seamstress and I’d love to be as talented as she is. I just don’t think I’m disciplined enough.
  79. I used to think that people who had “on-line” friend ships were a little crazy. Then I met you and realized I didn’t know what I was missing.
  80. I am a slob in recovery.
  81. I speak only 1 language. I failed French, never got the hang of Spanish, and barely passed Latin.
  82. My 6th grade French teacher was the best teacher I’ve ever had.
  83. My 3rd grade teacher was the worst teacher I ever had. She didn’t like kids.
  84. When Inkling marries Henry David and is Swept off to Canada I’m going to loose my mind. But I’m still thrilled for her.
  85. I have only been in 1 wedding. Mine.
  86. I have been asked to be a bridesmaid in at least 8 weddings, none of which ever took place.
  87. I think I’m jinxed.
  88. I play too much computer solitaire.
  89. I love to sing. Loudly.
  90. I can light the pilot light in the hot water heater all by myself!
  91. I watch entirely too much television. Some days (many days) it’s on all day long, just for the sound of grown ups talking.
  92. When I was 11 my mom bought me 6 boxes of sugar bricks (they’re like cubes only larger and rectangular) to use to build a castle. It was supposed to be for extra credit for my Social Studies class.
  93. I ate half of the sugar cubes and never finished the castle.
  94. I hated mayonnaise until I was pregnant with #1 Son. Now I only like it on chicken sandwiches (the breaded fried kind) and BLT’s.
  95. I graduated with more people than go to Baby Girl’s entire school…and it goes Pre-K to 8th grade!
  96. I didn’t go to my 10-year class reunion because I was pregnant with B.B.
  97. I wasn’t too upset about it; I didn’t really know those people…
  98. I can’t believe I’ve reached # 98!
  99. I live for Christmas. I have 2 full boxes of ornaments. I could start decorating in September…but that would mean spending 3 months yelling, “Put that back on the tree!
  100. I cannot tell you how glad I am to have started blogging and to have “met” all of you! I used to think folks with virtual friends were odd, now I know they are just blessed.


Unknown said...

This is so interesting. You and I have a lot in common - I might do 100 things about me so you can see. And do you know, I used to think people who communicated online were a bit odd too. Now I agree with you and that's why I changed my blog links to " Blog friends - virtual, but true" I really enjoy reading your blog and your comments on mine. Sarah

Ht's Princess said...

Can we still trade Bubba for a puppy? Well he does make for pretty good entertainment. Why can't I remember the camping trip? I don't remember alot of stuff. You on the other hand have the memory of an Elephant! I think you got all the good genes!