March 20, 2011


Ahhh, it is Spring. Officially. And I would have know even had it not been marked clearly on my calendar. I woke up sneezing. Time to change allergy meds again. Oh joy.

But the FarmHands spent the past 2 days out of doors & that's been truly lovely. The fighting & bickering isn't quite as overwhelming when they have 10 acres on which to do it as opposed to trapped in a 1,600 square foot house.

Another thing that is making me giddy is the total emptiness of this week on my calender. With the exception of Mama & Daddy's 37th wedding anniversary, there is not a mark on this week. After the past 3 weeks, that is absolutely wonderful. I need some time off. And by time off, I mean time when the FarmHands are at school, Bitsy is napping, and my dishes are washed.

Maybe I'll get a chance to actually watch Howard's End instead of scrolling past it on my DVR on a daily basis.

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