July 20, 2009

Wedding Jitters mulitiplied.

I've mentioned, more than once, that Bubba & Beck are getting married this fall. September 26th to be exact. We adore Beck. She's loving & kind & thinks my brother hung the moon & stars. As far as I'm concerned, that's all that counts.

Beck is in her mid 20's, an only child, and only recently moved out of her parents home. It's been a huge adjustment for her. Add in planning a wedding, and she's overwhelmed. She's been suffering from anxiety attacks for the past few months. The doctor put her on Xanex a few weeks ago. Friday night, she had a series of panic attacks that left her unable to get up off the floor. Bubba & a friend of theirs was at her apartment when it happened. Bubba had to pick her up off the floor & carry her to the car to take her to the ER.

They've changed her meds & the ER doctor told her Xanex probably exacerbated the problem. Right now she's back at her mom & dad's & off work for a few days to see if the new meds are helping.

I don't think she's having second thoughts about the marriage at all....it's the wedding that's got her freaked. She does not enjoy being the center of attention & I think it's sinking in that that's exactly the roll she'll be playing.

Would you please keep Beck in your prayers? She needs them...so does Bubba. He's worried about her.


Unknown said...

Oh, poor girl.I hope she is ok.She will be surrounded on the day by everyone who loves her and wishes her well - I hope she can somehow just relax and enjoy. Easier said than done, I know. I send my best wishes. S

Kork said...

Pass along the prayers and hugs for Beck from us out here in Colorado...and tell her to remember that the wedding isn't what is important...it's the marriage...no matter what her folks might say to the contrary! :D

Glad to hear you're doing better...

Gail said...

Saying prayers for both.