March 19, 2009

Votes, Gardens, and Being a Grown-up

Wow, the voting is pretty close. If you haven't cast your vote yet on the header picture debate, see the post below & click away in the side bar. I can't promise that I'll go with the option that wins, but it is nice getting input from my loyal fans. :)

Tomorrow is Parent/Teacher Conferences at school. They always make me nervous. I end up feeling like I'm the second grader getting chewed out for not finishing my work on time instead of the mom hearing about her daughter's attention issues.

The FarmHands get out of school early today & are out all day tomorrow. Then they'll be late on Monday due to a trip to the dentist. We lead such an exciting life around here.

I spent the afternoon yesterday working in my front flower bed. All the sun loving bulb plants were moved to less shady spots & some hostas were transplanted into the main flower bed on the north side of the house. It felt really good to get my hands (and boots, and jeans) dirty. I may actually spend time in the garden this year before harvest. I may even invest in one of those nifty kneeling cushions for gardeners...oh, and a big hat. I need a big sun hat & new gloves &....OK, this gardening business could get pricey.


Kathryn Thompson said...

I invested in one of those cushions last year and it was consumed by the garden. I didn't know we had any cushion-eating plants in our back yard but apparently...

Lauren said...

Watch the dollar stores or dollar sections for those cushions... i found mine at target a couple of years back.