March 3, 2009


Emptying all the junk out of the FarmHands' rooms has been great motivation to keep them clean. Husband picking up all the clutter in our room & cleaning off the kitchen table has been motivation to keep those places picked up. But the best motivation for cleaning my house this week is coming from the mid-south.

ART & DID ARE COMING TO MY HOUSE ON FRIDAY!!!! I'm so stoked, I've been typing in Cap Locks all morning. Art hasn't been here since I was preggers with Bitsy. Did has never been to this house & hasn't been to my neck of the woods since I was preggers with BabyGirl. I am so excited. And Saturday, I'm leaving the FarmHands with Husband, hopping in the car with Art & Did & heading even further North to visit our friend Ducky whom I haven't seen in about 2 years! I need this girl time in the worst way.

Art calls & threatens to come see me every now & then. I can never seem to muster any excitement until the weeks she's going to be here. Deep down I figure it's all going to fall apart & I'll spend the weekend crying in my shower instead of laughing my butt off in the living room. And that's the one thing I look forward to most. Laughing.

I laugh at home. I laugh at/with my kids. Husband makes me laugh. We have a good time, but it's somehow different from how I laugh with Art & Did. With them, it's the laughing until I cry thing. I cannot wait!

In the meantime, I'm attempting to keep my house picked up & generally clean so that Thursday night can be spent scrubbing bathrooms & mopping floors last minute (those things don't keep all week). I did mop last night, but I'm sure it will need doing again before Friday. Like I said, good motivation!!

My friend Mrs.X from The Young & The Infertile went through IVF yesterday. I think this is her third attempt with IVF & the last two did not end well. I believe this time things will be much, much different. Would you please say a prayer for her & her two tiny residents, that they will set up housekeeping & stick around for oh, say 9 more months? Thanks!


Gail said...

The visit sounds so great! Enjoy your time out and off.

Prayers sent up for mom to be.

Brando said...

I sure hope that you have fun!!! It sounds like a blast.

I feel for Mrs X. She and her Dh are in my prayers.