March 20, 2009

Is today over yet?

Parent/Teacher Conferences went well. No one sent me to detention. No one gave me a Big Fat F on my homework. I didn't even have to sit in the Principal's office. Both kids are doing well. BabyGirl is still struggling a bit with time management & her attention span, but she's doing better.

As for the picture conundrum, my father added another issue to the mix last night. He called to tell me not to change the picture. Apparently a man he works with is a semi-professional photographer & said my picture is "saleable." I'm OK with that. I'm actually pretty stoked about that. Now I just need to know how to go about making my fortune from a snap shot of our boots....

Today seems to be a day of injuries. Bitsy has a bump just above her right eye from falling into the base of my computer chair. #1 Son came very close to a black eye when B.B. punched him in the face because #1 Son didn't want B.B. "getting into his special basket" (the boys each have a plastic basket to stash their prized possessions in). If anyone else gets hurt, I'm going to bed. You can wake me tomorrow when it's all over.

1 comment:

Gail said...

I thought your picture was a professional shot, that is how good it is. Had no idea until you talked about changing it. Good job!