The Entertainment Tonight theme song has always bothered me. And by that I mean I hate the sound of it. Really, really hate it. It's a deep seated emotional reaction that has puzzled me most of my life. I don't watch the show & could not for the life of me figure out what my issues with it are.
Tonight it all came back in a flash. When I was little, maybe four or five years old, I had a horrible stomach flu. Everything I ate or drank came back up. The Queen Mother made Jell-o for me. It didn't stay down. She gave me saltines & 7-Up. That didn't stay down. At one point during this, QM had to leave me with a sitter for a brief time. I was sitting at the table coloring & begged the sitter for a drink of water. She was unsure as QM had told her I couldn't keep anything down, but somehow I convinced her water would be OK. Yeah, it didn't stay down either.
Eventually QM & Daddy moved a mattress into their bedroom floor so I could sleep as close to the bathroom door as possible. We had no television at the time (it blew up in a storm when I was three) & I was probably going a bit stir crazy with nothing to do but lie in bed. Mama borrowed a small black & white television from our nextdoor neighbors so I'd have something to occupy me.
The doctor told Mama to give me crushed ice with liquid Dramamine to help settle my stomach. I hated the taste of it, but was so thirsty I had to drink it.
The only thing on TV was Entertainment Tonight.
Ever since then, I associate that theme music with nasty, orange flavored medicine poured over crushed ice & feeling the worst I'd ever felt in my short life. Odd.
There's a moth loose in our house. It must have come out of hiding yesterday when it was so warm out. B.B. is terrified of it. This morning he ate breakfast perched on the arm of his chair so he could bolt if the moth attacked. I told him to sit down & promised him the moth wouldn't attack. He didn't believe me. So I asked, "Are you a sweater?" "No." "Then you're perfectly safe from that moth. They don't eat little boys. They don't even bite." BabyGirl told him moths only eat sweaters. Then he got worried that if he were wearing a sweater it might bite him accidentally. I told him they don't even have teeth & they only lay eggs on sweaters. He considered this, but still watched the moth very warily.
When his dad came in from doing chores the moth came back into B.B.'s view. "Daddy, I need you to come in here & kill dis mop. I hate mops. Dey scawe me." Husband was reasonably confused. I told him it was a moth, not a mop. B.B. started yelling again, "Daddy! You hava' kill dis mop! I'm scawed of mops, Dad! I want dem all out a dis house!" To which Husband replied, "Yes, we must gather up all the mops & remove them from this house." Don't I wish!
I hate those mops too!
The funniest thing is, last night the moth was in the boys' room at bedtime. I got out the fly swatter thinking B.B. would never sleep with it in there. He started screaming, "Don't kill my mop! I love my mop!" So I caught it & put it outside. When I came back in the room he was near tears over me throwing out his "mop." I told him they usually live outside & he eventually decided that it would be OK.
Poor little fella...oh yeah...and the mop too!
That's awfully cute, and I hope you write these things down for future blackmail...err...posterity's sake.
I can't wait for Captain Chaos to start some of those things...although he's got a few things that make me giggle and have to bite my cheek really hard because he's so serious about things.
I am surprised you don't get sick when you hear the music. When I was pregnant, I was sick alot. Coffee, Wild Country Aftershave and Joy dishwashing liquid still make me feel a little sick when I smell them.
I have that sickening-feeling-problem with the smell of some seafruit.
About B.B, this is one of the sweetest storries I've read in a long while. Makes me think : my Mum wrote a song that would fit B.B perfectly :
"Once a small moth was crying,
And his mum asked him why?
Mummy, I'm simply dying
To be a butterfly"
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