February 17, 2009

The on going saga

As of last night, Husband still has a job. I'm praying it stays that way. The odd thing is, the HR director told some of the people being laid off that she was in the process of looking through applications for new hires when she got word down the wire that lay offs were to happen. No one knows what's going on.

GM goes before Congress today. Things do not look good. This worries me as my father is an employee & my grandfather is a retiree. If things go South for GM, there is the possibility that they'll go South for my family.

That leaves me with a question. Why is "going South" a bad thing? I like the South. I'd like to go South. Two of my favorite parts of the South are coming North to visit me in March...Art & Did!! I should really clean my house before they get here.

I am totally stoked. I just checked my Netflix Que & High School Musical 3 on Blu-ray should be at my house tomorrow. I know, I'm a huge dork. Can't help it! BabyGirl & I will have a rockin' good time tomorrow night. Then I'll tuck her in & watch NCIS until I can't keep my eyes open. What am I going to do when I finish season 4?! I've already seen all of season 5 & season 6 is going on right now...in the middle of bedtime so I never get to see it. Oy.

OK, I have a dilemma of sorts. I need new sneakers...you know, tennis shoes, walking shoes, jogging shoes, call them what you will. I have always been a Wal-Mart brand kind of girl. 2 years ago I bought a pair of Danskins shoes that I loved....but they do not offer decent support. In fact, my feet roll in so badly when I wear them, that I worry about my ankles & back.

Husband likes Nikes. I think I've owned 2 pairs of Nikes in my life. I had some Sketchers once. Wore them to pieces. I know nothing about shoes except that I don't want to spend my kids college fund on them (yes, that's laughter you hear....they don't have a college fund). Any advice? Any word on shoes? Anyone?

Maybe I'll skip the sneakers & go for these instead:

I mean really, who doesn't need Patchwork d'Orsays by Monolo Blahnik? They're only $825.00. No? How about these:

Orange Patent d'Orsays for $665.00. That's a bargain!
OK, so you're not into the orange theme. Here's another you might like:
Purple Snake Sandals for $885.00. I would so rule the PTA in these.
One last shoe for your drooling viewing pleasure:
Slingback Snakeskin Pump only $865!
I could have a real shoe problem if only I had the money...and a paved driveway (heels+gravel=not good). Call me Carrie Bradshaw.


Gail said...

I realize many people are leary of second hand things, especially shoes. Sometimes you can get lucky in a thrift shop and get new shoes that do not even have the soles dirty. My sister found a pair of Nikes for three dollars and they had never been worn.

Are you planning on running in these heels?

areyoukiddingme said...

You just haven't moved far enough North to know why going south is a bad thing yet...I don't know if you know this, but according to Chicagoans, anything south of I-80 is the deep South.

I'm having a hard time choosing between the Patchwork and Orange Patent d'Orsays. Oh well, like I have anywhere to wear stilettos.

I'm not a huge fan of gym shoes (that's what we always called 'em). Nike's are OK, but I think they fit a little weird. New Balance is popular, but I think it's because everyone I know who wears them has wide feet. We like Adidas in our house. Although I've had a couple pair of Skechers, some of their styles are more for fashion than support. I just prefer to buy any of them at an outlet/discount store.

Staci said...

I'd so go for the patchwork... If I just had an extensive disposable income I could SO see myself being a shoe person - even though wearing 4" heels would put me over 6 ft tall. Good thing hubby's a tall man!

A couple of years ago I was doing a lot of walking (m girls are on the large side and make it difficult for me to run), and I was having awful foot & shin pain. I went to one of those running stores where you walk on a treadmill, and they film your steps. They evaluate the way your foot hits the ground and then they suggest a shoe that works with your gait. I ended up with a pair of Saucony (bought a closeout from the previous year so it cost me about $50). I loved them!

Anonymous said...

Go to the shoe store by Wal Mart and just start trying some one. They actually have pretty good sales. I just bought a pair of Nikes, but paid 60 bucks for them! Ouch! When you got a size 11, and you find a pair of shoes you like, you usually buy them regardless of price! I once bought a pair of New Balance and they were the worse shoes I ever owned, gave them to my sister after only a few weeks. Hope you find some soon! I love shopping and offering shopping advice!

Kork said...

oh, and I was going to say that I LOVE my NBs, but they are the ones we got from the NB store...not from Payless or whatever...they actually fit my skinny feet!

I'd shell out the bucks for the Nikes if you can find the right style...go for their XTrainers, or their "Walking" styles...best support, best ankle, best arch...good cushion.

I'm a former Nike-addict...so I know about how I used to spend $200 a year for 2 pairs of Nikes...but I wore them every freaking day...

Now, as for those heels? Buy them all darling, they're cheap as free!

Lauren said...

I just bought my first new pair of sneakers in YEARS... like 7 years or so. I got a pair of Avia's at Kohl's last night... They were on sale for 31.99, and I had an extra 20% off. The nike's I tried on lacked the support in the balls of my feet, and the skechers (my previously owned brand which will now be used solely for gardening, etc...) looked a little too bulky for my taste.

Unknown said...

Hi. I am glad your man still has his job and I hope everything stays safe for the rest of your family. This is such a worrying time for people all over the world.My Man has to go to a meeting with his CEO today ( along with all the other managers)I am crossing everything that his job is safe.Its awful having the threat of losing jobs hanging over you, isn't it?Thinking of you and yours...oh, and I love the shoes!! S

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Wishing you and your family all the best with jobs. A girl's got to afford her Manolos, no?

Have you tried LoveMyShoes.com? They offer 60% off during February.


I think I remember that they carry Skechers.