B.B., Bitsy, and I were laying on the couch tonight. B.B. must have been feeling very sentimental because talk soon turned to growing up & marriage. The conversation took a few confusing turns, but I'll try to map it out for you in B.B. speak.
B.B.-Mommy, I luzz you so much. I'm gonna mawy you when I gwow up.
Me-I love you too, Bub.
B.B.- I luzz Bitsy so much, too. I'm gonna' mawy her when I gwow up, too.
Me- (totally ignoring the fact that society normally frowns upon parent-child or sibling-sibling marriage) I don't think you're allowed to have two wives, Bub.
B.B.- That's OK. I'm alweady mawied to Bitsy.
Me- Really? How did that happen?
B.B.- (in a conspiratorial whisper) It's 'cause I smoochy kissed her.
Me- You did? How do you "smoochy kiss"?
B.B. - (lays a a big kiss on me complete with head movement reminiscent of your favorite soap opera) Like dat.
Me- Wow. And that makes you married?
B.B.- Yes!
Me- Does that mean we're married now?
B.B. -Um. Yeah. Now I'm mawied to you and Bitsy. But that's OK, because when I gwow up you'll be an old woman & Daddy will die.
Me- I won't be that old.
B.B.- Yes you will. You're my mom.
Me- Is Grammy (the Queen Mother) an old woman?
B.B.- No.
Me- Well, I'm a grown up & she's my mom. Do you know any old women?
B.B.- Yes. Gwandma that lives down the road (she's in her mid 80's), Gwandma M&M (in her early 80's), Busha (in her mid 70's I think), and Gwandma that is Daddy's mom (who is the exactly 21 days younger than the Queen Mother).
Me- Oh. Am I an old woman?
B.B.- Not so old. And Daddy will be dead when I'm a gwown up because he's an old man.
Me- He is not. And my Daddy isn't dead & I'm a grown up. Is Pa an old man?
B.B.- Yes! And Bucka, and Gwandpa that's dead, and Gwandpa M&M, and Gwandpa that's Daddy's dad (who just turned 60).
Me- Well, your Grammy will be happy to hear all this, but I'm not sure everyone else will be.
suddenly i feel ancient
Don't you love a child's mind?
Laughing out loud!
That is soooo sweet !! S
Wait just a second...I'm not so sure I appreciate his logic here...ummmmm...best to not tell the rest of the fam about their "ancient" status...
that is too funny...hee hee
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