January 12, 2009

A weekend in review. Sort of.

After church yesterday, I took the FarmHands & headed to Bucka & Busha's house with the makings of chicken cornbread casserole (or Chicken pot pie as we call it) in the van to make for lunch. The kids played, the grown-ups visited, and we all ate. Good day.

Bucka was tired, but looked pretty good for spending half his week in the hospital. He said the final word was an actual heart attack, but it did no damage to the heart. His heart is in very good shape. The problem lies in the surrounding arteries. There's not much that can be done to treat them as he's already had quadruple bypass surgery, so the doctors are changing medications for him & going to do the best they can. In the meantime, he & Busha are planning on a trip to Florida to visit with Uncle Right Reverend & Aunt MK.

The older two FarmHands are off to school for the day & I need to get busy, but instead I find myself stuck in the land of Fugshion. Too much money, fabric, sequins, and time on the hands of celebrities. Yikes!

I talked to BabyGirl's teacher on Friday about her issues getting work done in good time. She's still struggling & teacher & I are both frustrated. She can do the work lickity-split when the desire arises, but other times I'm left standing over her for hours to do 15 minutes of homework. Before she left today I told her if she can make it through the entire week without having to stay in from recess to get her work done we'll do something special on Saturday. Now I have no clue what to do! If it were warm out, I'd pack a picnic lunch & take her to the park to play, just us. But it's supposed to be in the teens/single digits by the weekend. I shall need to get creative!

In weaning news, Bitsy is getting the hang of this. She's sleeping better, but not through the night yet. Last night she woke up around 11:30/12 o'clock & Husband brought her to bed. She laid down & went to sleep with a lock of my hair curled in her fingers. She woke up at 4:30 needing a cup of milk, drank about 3 ounces of it, and crawled back up in bed with her dad to go to sleep. Once during the night she started screaming & crying, but it was very short lived and she went right back to sleep. My first thought was night terror, but she's never had one before. I really hope they don't start now!

Now if only my body would catch up with the fact that she is done nursing....

1 comment:

Terri said...

Uncle Right Reverend???? There's got to be a story I missed behind that name!