January 10, 2009

Inappropriate Play Time.

For anyone who hasn't checked her blog lately and is wondering, Inkling has some wonderful news. ;)

And as for things on this farm...well...weaing is still going on. Bitsy is dealing better with it, but still tries to "talk" me into nursing every now & again. Now if only she'd get the sleeping at night thing down.

Currently we hop from bed to couch to bed to couch all night. At around 2 o'clock this morning, she climbed out of bed & stumbled crying through the house. Thinking she was headed for the fridge for her cup of milk, I followed. Instead she bolted for the boys' bedroom door & stormed in. She yelled at her brothers for sleeping & then at me for quickly whisking her out with a firm warning to let them sleep. After that I kept the baby gate shut.

At a little after four this morning, I heard the boys' bed room door open & shut. B.B. tends to wake up in the night every now & then, tear through the kitchen, and need to be escorted back to bed all half asleep. I jumped off the couch in an attempt to keep him from slamming into the baby gate or scream & wake up the baby sleeping on the floor.

I made it all the way to the hall without having B.B. crash into my legs. As I rounded the corner I noticed a light coming out from under their door. I opened it up to find B.B. & #1 Son dragging out their toy bins they keep under their beds. "What are you doing?!"
"We're playing. We're going to stay in our rooms. You said we couldn't come out until it's bright outside," answered #1 Son.
"Go back to bed! It's still the middle of the night!"
"But we wanna' play Iron Man!" B.B. countered.
"I don't care! It's the middle of the night. Both of you get back in bed & do not get up again until you see daylight!"

I am seriously no fun at all.


Question: if your husband openly roots for the team playing against your team in the play offs, is that grounds for divorce? What if he's only doing it to pester you, he really has no allegiance to the opposing team?

Go Titans!!


Gail said...

Oh, your poor thing! I know you are worn out!

Ramblin73 said...


Terri said...

oh that is too funny about the boys playing in the middle of the night; I'd catch mine doing that all the time, or when they were supposed to be going to bed. haha, love it.