January 21, 2009

A request

I haven't posted much about this, leaving it instead to the person it most affects, but tonight I'm asking you to pray for my cousin Inkling. She had some complications in her delivery of their little Grasshopper two weeks ago today. The complications have caused an excruciating amount of pain, frustration, and fear.

I have some very specific requests for prayer tonight. Would you please pray that the procedure preformed on Inkling today would resolve all the issues she's having? Please pray for complete & quick healing. Please pray that her pain would ease now & be gone completely within the week. She is allergic to most pain killers & the one she is currently on can only be taken for a week. Please pray that Grasshopper would continue to grow healthy & strong & that he would become a proficient nurser (he is growing very quickly, but I know this is something his mama worries about). Pray that Inkling would soon be able to move about with an ease & freedom she does not now have. Please pray for Henry David as he cares for their new born son & for a wife battling hard for her own physical & emotional health. Pray for my Uncle M & Aunt D (Inkling's folks) as they are there to help care for their new grandson & his mother & it is never easy to see your child suffer.

Thank you so very much. God bless you all!


Gail said...


Deni said...


Nan said...


areyoukiddingme said...

Prayers done, and wishing Inkling well.

Sarah said...

My thoughts ar ewith them!!

Susan said...

Prayers said.

Aimee said...

done. Please let us know how she's doing, as I'm sure she's recovering and being online is the last thing on her mind. Thanks!