December 22, 2008

An International Swaddling Lesson.

When I gave Inkling the clover leaf blanket I made for Grasshopper she told me I needed to show her how to use it. Because we were all busy visiting & eating at her shower, I never got a chance to demonstrate the clover leaf swaddle. Today I was putting away some blankets when it occurred to me, Grasshopper will be here before we know it. Time's running out. So you all are invited to attend the first ever international clover leaf virtual swaddling lesson starring Bitsy's bear, Bitsy Bear (good name, don't ya think?).

Step one: Lay blanket out flat & fold down one side. Lay baby on folded down corner (this is for an indoor swaddle. If you are taking baby outside, leave the flap out to cover baby's head).

Step two: Fold one flap (I usually start with the flap on my right) over baby & tuck securely behind baby (Bitsy is a bit fatter than I expect Grasshopper to be on his arrival...please, Lord).

Step three: Fold bottom flap up over baby's feet & legs. If there's any extra that wants to stick up over baby's face, I tuck it into the flap already across baby's body.

Step four: Fold last flap securely around baby & tuck in tightly.

Husband is an expert swaddler. He would wrap the FarmHands up like tiny baby flavored burritos. You could carry them around by the front of the blanket without worrying about head support. The FarmHands loved it.
So there you have it, Inkling. Instructions complete with pictures! I hope this has brightened your day a bit. I cannot wait to see Grasshopper bundled up in his namesake blanket!


Gail said...

This is a lost art.

Inkling said...

Farmwife, thank you for the lesson. And you are right. Grasshopper is going to be here soon. Granted, the midwife (my doc's partner) told me today that he could come "anytime in the next five weeks", meaning that they won't let me go two weeks beyond my due date. BUT.....she also said his head is moving on down, though he is currently sunny side up and his mother hopes he turns so back labor is not all I'll be doing, and there are other signs that this mama's body is ramping up.

I also got a bra lecture first ever. No more underwires, go buy those bra extenders today and start wearing those nursing bras religiously. So that's what I did. The bra extenders are ugly but useful, as are the nursing bras. Gone are my sexy days. But then again, we don't want sexy to get us anywhere at this point any time soon. One at a time is enough, don't ya think?

areyoukiddingme said...

Excellent swaddling lesson! A necessary skill in order to get any sleep. My sister-in-law was constantly undoing her baby's swaddling, saying that they wanted to kick their legs. Well, maybe hers wanted to be free, but mine wanted to be bound up as tight as possible.

Kork said...

FarmWife - you rock! I used the blanket you sent for Capt Chaos ALL THE TIME! Of course, he outgrew it before he outgrew his love of being swaddled...but Tiny Princess was able to use it even longer!!!!!

And I'm telling Inkling that I was ok with underwire bras throughout my entire pregnancies and also while I was nursing...but I know everyone is different...hmmmm

FarmWife said...

My only word on nursing bras: get some to sleep in without underwires (I wear underwires religiously) or even the special sleep bras & wear them 24/7. TRUST ME!