November 27, 2008

5 Things Meme borrowed from Sarah so I don't have to work hard on a holiday.

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:

  1. Celebrating our first anniversary by going to E'ville for the night & seeing a show at the comedy club. Something we've never done since.
  2. Trying to get pregnant.
  3. Still adjusting to married life.
  4. Driving a Silver Plum Saturn Station Wagon.
  5. Still attempting to house break Andrew.

5 Things on My To-Do List Today:

  1. Load up the van & hit the road before 9 am.
  2. Make it to Grandma M&M's in one piece with all 4 children still in tow.
  3. Meet my newest cousin for the first time (he was born in January!).
  4. Eat copious amounts of deep fried turkey & Grandma's cranberry salad.
  5. Convince all my children a nap is a wonderful idea on the three hour drive home.

5 Snacks I Like:

  1. CHEX MIX!! (Thanks for reminding me, Sarah. 'Tis the season for Chex Mix)
  2. Flipside pretzel crackers
  3. Chocolate covered pretzels
  4. Fritos
  5. Banana bread with cranberries in it.

5 Things I Would Do if I Was a Millionaire: (is that a plain old millionaire, or a multi-millionaire?)

  1. Build a new house on the hill with a MIL suite and bedrooms for everyone among many other things.
  2. Pay off all our bills (van, house, truck) and set aside enough so Husband can retire before he's 80.
  3. College funds for our kids, nieces, and nephews
  4. Build QM a new house big enough for all of us to visit.
  5. Throw a lovely wedding for Bubba & Beck.

5 Places I Have Lived:

  1. Married Student housing when I was first born
  2. G'ma M&M's for a week after school ended for Daddy.
  3. The Gingerbread house down the street from G'ma M&M's
  4. A trailer in the same town
  5. The house on Kentucky St. (and all 5 before I was a year old)

5 Jobs I Have Had:

  1. Cater Waiter for HS boyfriend's mom's business
  2. Waitress at Steak house
  3. Cook at same Steak House
  4. Hostess at same Steak House
  5. Factory line worker

That's my exciting life!


Gail said...

Variety is the spice of life!
Happy Thanksgiving! Make a memory and enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but have you tried banana bread with chocolate chips in it? Yummm! Happy Thanksgiving!