Mrs.X has tagged me! I so love a good Meme. Call me a blogging geek, I care not. Just ask me questions all about me & I'm happy.
So off we go:
1) What were you doing 10 years ago? Let's see...1998...Husband and I were embarking on our first year of marriage. In February his sister was in a horrible car wreck that put her in a coma for three weeks & resulted in brain damage & physical problems. At this time that year we were probably driving to the rehab center to visit with her. We were also beginning our "trying to have a baby" drama. That would span 2 1/2 years.
2) What are 5 things on your to-do list today? Dishes, laundry, making a new sundress for BabyGirl, teaching Bitsy to hold up her index finger when asked how old she is, and watching the last half of the fourth season of Scrubs (priorities people).
3) List some snacks you enjoy: Oh, my new favorites are Keebler Townhouse Flipsides. One side butter cracker, the other side pretzel! They should hybrid more food like this. Neapolitan ice cream...popcorn...strawberries (it's that time of year!)....and Chex mix (I've been craving it but haven't made any lately).
So off we go:
1) What were you doing 10 years ago? Let's see...1998...Husband and I were embarking on our first year of marriage. In February his sister was in a horrible car wreck that put her in a coma for three weeks & resulted in brain damage & physical problems. At this time that year we were probably driving to the rehab center to visit with her. We were also beginning our "trying to have a baby" drama. That would span 2 1/2 years.
2) What are 5 things on your to-do list today? Dishes, laundry, making a new sundress for BabyGirl, teaching Bitsy to hold up her index finger when asked how old she is, and watching the last half of the fourth season of Scrubs (priorities people).
3) List some snacks you enjoy: Oh, my new favorites are Keebler Townhouse Flipsides. One side butter cracker, the other side pretzel! They should hybrid more food like this. Neapolitan ice cream...popcorn...strawberries (it's that time of year!)....and Chex mix (I've been craving it but haven't made any lately).
4) What would you do with a billion dollars? Oh to dream. First of all, I'd pay off all the debt of all my loved ones. Then I'd set up retirement funds for all my loved ones & college funds for my kids, nieces, & nephews (and the honorary ones too). I'd buy homes for Princess, Inkling, and Art so they'd never have to rent again. Give a good bit of money to my church so they can build a
new building & fix up what we have & no one will have any right to complain about how much we give to missions or spend on VBS. Contribute to many children's charities world wide. Buy myself a Ford Thunderbird (it only has two seats, so I can play at being care free & childless for a few hours every now & then). And then I'd blow money like no body's business...maybe.

5) List the places you have lived. Illinois & Tennessee to be very vague. Married Student housing at the college my parents attended, a small trailer in the town G'ma & G'pa M&M live in, the gingerbread house down the road from G'ma & G'pa M&M's, the little house on Kentucky Street, a house 9 streets over from Kentucky, the big green house back on Kentucky (six houses down from the little house), QM & Daddy's house in TN, the girls dorm of the same college where I lived as an infant, the Love Shack with Art, Froot Loop's house with Art (cute house, crazy third roommate), Busha & Bucka's, Uncle Gick & Unkie Di's finished garage, the house in town where FarmBoy lived when we were first married, and this house. And unless we get that billion dollars, I am never moving again!
6) List the jobs you've had. I was a babysitter (what teenage girl wasn't), a cater waiter (for my HS boyfriend's mom's catering business), a waitress/hostess/food runner/cook at a steak house (not all at the same time), a line worker at C***P, and a mom (although my kids like to inform me, "You don't have a job! You're our mom!").
1 comment:
ME ME ME ME!!!! I wanna do it too!!!
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