Iffen ya' want to, we've got a right nice place ta keep yer beer so's it don't get warm. And ya won't have ta keep goin' back in the house ever time ya need a fresh'un. It sets right thur beside my swing. Handy, ain't it?
Seriously, we could send A Wandering Heart's HOA into a full blown coronary.
Why, you might ponder, do we have a Frigidaire in our yard? Because we can throw nothing away if it's still structurally sound. At the moment we have an old lidless chest type freezer laying on it's side in the woods. It's currently uninhabitable, but it has housed dogs in the past. It's even served as a whelping shelter.
We have a second chest type freezer that sets at the edge of the woods so Husband can store feed in it. It keeps rabbit pellets, corn, cat food, or what ever he needs safe & dry. And the lid is too heavy for the raccoons to get into it.
Part of me wants to scream, "GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY YARD!! I DIDN'T MARRY THE JUNK MAN OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS!!" But the other part of me knows my husband's talent for mulitpurposing our belongings has saved us money & time frequently. And he keeps most of it hid away in the woods.
The fridge is going to be used to house the FarmHand's outside toys. Guess this saves us from buying one of those cute Rubbermaid sheds (that I've been coveting since we bought our first kick ball). I'm not sure it's going to stay, but for the moment, that's the plan.
Until it goes to live somewhere else (like the scrap yard), I shall decorate it....This one's just for you, Art!
can I just say I love your hand writing..
That is too funny. :)
Thank you. I so long for that table. How many different times did we decorate it?
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