May 7, 2008

Wishin' and Walkin'

If you pop over to visit Ragged Around The Edges' Write On, or Needlefinger's blog, or Pilot's Ramblings of a Simple Man you can see how I would love to spend the next week...but instead I will stay here & bide my time until Dinosaur World (which oddly enough, I'm really beginning to look forward to).

Yesterday was an Alexander Day (as Inkling would say). I ended it at 9:30 when I drug myself to bed feeling ill. This morning I feel much better (thank you, Art).

Bitsy & I have to trek to town to have my brake pads replaced this morning. The appointment is at 9 & it will take an hour to an hour & a half. I'm going to load up the stroller & take her on a tour of down town O-town. Possibly a stop by my favorite coffee shop, my favorite clothing boutique, the new pet store, the health food store, a furniture store....but all only if the rain holds. If it rains, I will (unfortunately) be stuck in the bleakest possible waiting area in any car dealership EVER with 15 ancient Time magazines & 3 Car & Drivers from 1997. Please pray the rain stays away for a few hours!


Queen Mother said...

Hey maybe we could go see Laura"s house next year.
I have been wanting to vist there again

Kork said...

I'm sorry it was one of those days at your house too!

Hoping that the rain will only be here in Colorado today, and that it waited for you to get safely home before it got to your part of the world.

Hugs, and remember...always eat your cereal with a fork and do your homework in the dark!