April 8, 2008

Something you're dying to know, our stupid bull, and a funny story about me

I think I'm ovulating.

Yeah, you were just dying to know that weren't you?

I'm exhausted. Not the normal, I'm-the-mother-of-four-wild-children-who-never-sit-still kind of exhausted. More the I'm-afraid-I-may-be-getting-sick kind of exhausted....but I don't really feel like I am getting sick. I've barely made it off the couch today.

Then there's the pain. A sharp shooting pain in the right side of my lower abdomen. New development for me.

Guess we'll know for sure in a few weeks...about the same time we'll know for sure if Doc knew what he was doing in that OR 9 months ago.

In other reproduction related news (not about me, don't worry), I think our bull is getting old enough to....well...you know. But I'm also afraid he may be a tad stupid. Every time I look out the back window he's trying to ride one of the little heifers...but from the wrong end. The heifers are sick of having him try to jump on their heads! And I really doubt we'll be getting any calves that way.

While I'm at it, there's a story I keep meaning to share. It's silly & embarrassing, but should make for good reading.

When #1 Son was tiny I lived in a pair of over sized Old Navy sweatpants Art gave me. They were hand-me-downs from her sister & I wore them through my pregnancy & for months after.

One afternoon later that fall, I had to copy the bulletins for church. I took a runny nosed BabyGirl (who was 2) and #1 Son & headed to the church. I was admittedly a tad nervous about being alone in the church building because we'd been having mouse problems. I am terrified of mice & was very worried we would encounter one. Luckily we didn't & I finished my tasks.

As we were walking back to the van, I felt something shimmy down my leg inside my pants. I was immediately convinced there was a rodent in my pant leg. I started screaming & kicking & jumping up & down. I put the baby carrier on the sidewalk, let go of BabyGirl's hand, dropped the keys & diaper bag, and was on the verge of dropping trou in front of our place of worship when an old tissue slid out the bottom of my pant leg.

There were no pockets in those sweat pants, so I absentmindedly stuck BabyGirl's tissue in the waist band. It had worked loose & slid down my leg. Why in the world I thought it was a mouse, is beyond me.

I was so glad there was no one around...but I'm pretty sure (being a town of about 250 people) there were probably whispers of "that crazy woman out front of the church Friday. I never knew that was a Charismatic congregation."

1 comment:

Kork said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oh my gosh...my sides hurt from reading this today...

Seriously...if the pain is a new development, and it doesn't go away in a day, call your doc. It might be nothing, but it could still be something...besides, if they didn't tell you that this might happen, I'd be a little cranky.

Stay cozy, drink some tea, pop in a video for the wild animals to watch and curl up on the couch...take a bath tonight after bedtime.