April 18, 2008

One final answer for now

Anonymous asks: Farmwife, what are those red squiggly things in peanut butter?

To be honest, I'm a tad worried about your peanut butter, Anonymous. I just opened a brand new jar of peanut butter (I currently have 14 jars in my pantry...thank you WIC) & I'm not 100% sure I know what you're referring to. Mine has tiny red specks in it...if that's what you're referring to I assume they are minuscule bits of the peanut skin.

If you ever eat peanuts in the shell, there's a paper thin skin on the peanut meat. This skin is removed in a process called blanching during the peanut butter making process. My guess is (as I can find nothing on it) that is what causes the specks.

Well folks, this Ask FarmWife business seems to be a hit & I want to continue it. But I think I'm going to limit it to one or two days a week. So from here on out, Monday will be Ask FarmWife day & Tuesdays will be Answer Day. That will give you all week to think of your questions & keep this from totally overtaking my blog (as there are still FarmHand adventures to share). In the meantime, if you find yourself with a pressing question, go ahead & ask & I'll see if I can squeeze you in in between earth quakes, diaper changes, and homework.

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