April 24, 2008

Mama said there'd be days like this

While nothing exceptional has happened today, I feel the nearly overwhelming desire to go back to bed & stay there until Saturday. Could that be why when the baby was napping & the boys watching Nick Jr & then Spongebob (Please, do not lecture me) I crashed out on the couch for nearly 2 1/2 hours? Before you get all excited for me, my nap was interrupted no less than 10 times....fighting, inappropriate programming needing changed (much to the boys' chagrin...but I cannot deal with Fairly Odd Parents), 2 quarts of iced tea nearly dumped on me (B.B. does not get the, "If you want a drink, ASK ME, I'll get it" thing), dog whining to go out, & very strange dreams about napping on the couch & having strange dreams. When I fully woke up, Husband was at work, #1 Son still watching cartoons, and B.B. had gone to bed for his own nap!!

Since his nap ended, B.B. has spent most of his time crying about something. I have mixed emotions about that boy & naps. On one hand, he can get very cranky & seemingly need one. But once he's awake, he's not always happier than when he laid down. And come bed time, he's on his second wind & will not turn in before 9:30. I do not like that.

I am still in my pj's (it's 4:30 in the afternoon). Don't judge me. Hot Mama Revolution be damned today.

I have a ginormous pile of dishes awaiting my attention. For some reason I have no problem getting the general table ware done, but the pots & pans loom over me like a food encrusted Mt.Everest. I have to get them done today or there will be no cooking tomorrow. Ugh. And I have to thaw out a rabbit so we can have chicken-pot-pie tomorrow (yes, you read that right. I just can't bring myself to call it Rabbit-pot-pie).

Just so you don't think I'm a complete slacker in all things domestic, in the past 24 hours I've:
  • vacuumed the entire house with my new vacuum (I thought I'd found a fatal flaw in it's design, but it turned out to be operator error...you must be smarter than your vacuum). It is still picking up copious amounts of dust but this time I only had to dump the dirt cup twice. I tried Kork's 7 swipes over the same spot thing...hence the dust. If I follow her formula for vacuuming one day a week for each person/pet in your home, I'd need an extra day added to the week.
  • picked up all the stray toys (and that is a monumental task around here)
  • supervised the boys room cleaning (that is, I spent 2 hours telling them to clean their rooms & eventually stood over them & directed every movement of their little hands while they cried, "If you just leave, we'll clean up!" Fat chance, fellas.)
  • made more violet jelly (see yesterday's picture)
  • changed #1 Son's bandage (this shouldn't be such a task, but it was)
  • washed, folded, and put away all but one load of laundry
  • scrubbed both bathrooms
  • unloaded & re-loaded the dishwasher
  • added about 50 books to my Shelfari shelf (OK, so that wasn't exactly a chore)
  • taped (last night) & watched (this morning) UFC with Husband (yes, that is a chore)
  • went walking
  • made pancakes for breakfast today
  • made husband's nasty potato soup for lunch
  • hung up on 2-3 telemarketers (I'm not rude, I simply hang up. I'm on the no call list for a reason. We do not give money to charity over the phone, I do not discuss my credit cards over the phone, and if the "Fraternal order of police" call me one more time, I'm calling the actual police).
  • wrestled BabyGirl into her clothing & sent her to school in full melt-down (see yesterday's post...."It's not fair...").
  • Argued with her for 2 hours over bed time last night. I guess she got up on the wrong side of the bed & went back to bed the same way.
That about covers it.

Rain is coming. Maybe it will wash away my blahs. Most likely it will just make my yard a muddy swamp just in time for the weekend.

Saturday we're going on the great shoe hunt. Husband needs new sneakers. BabyGirl needs new Crocs (the purple Mary Janes QM gave her for her b-day last year have been worn to pieces). This means the boys will probably also get new sandals. I will try on high heels while balancing Bitsy on my hip & wish I had some where to wear them. I will look at little girl shoes & wish BabyGirl would wear them & Bitsy's feet would grow enough to wear them (she can still wear 0-3 month Old Navy sneakers...she'll be 10 months on Saturday).

Until then, my house has been over run by wolves & little pigs. Oh the noise, noise, noise, noise.....


Kork said...

Just so you know, I need an extra day also...Captain Chaos counts for 2 when it comes to the vacuum one day for each being in your house formula...OY!

I'm proud of what you accomplished, and you should take a minute or 2 to be proud. I'd say take more time, but I know how impossible that is in my house with 2 kiddos...

Enjoy the great shoe hunt, and remember that Bitsy will soon be begging for sparkly red Mary Janes, and BabyGirl will soon be asking for high heels of her own...trust me, it happens MUCH too quickly.

And don't be ashamed of you nap on the couch. I did that yesterday myself...you'll have to jump over and read all about that!

Mrs. Darling said...

The work never ends does it! I too have been banned fairly Odd Parents! The parents are made out as stupid in that hsow nad the kids have all the smarts!