April 17, 2008

FarmWife Answers, episode three

I may have found a new theme for this blog. I am loving this Q & A business!

My darling mother poses the first questions of the day.

"Why don't makeup companies package makeup for people who only wear it once in a while?"
I think that's an excellent question. I have eyeshadow I purchased when pregnant with #1 Son! I know you're supposed to toss out make up with much greater frequency than I do. I found this timeline & if I follow it, I think I can keep my loose powder, my liquid foundation, and a few bottles of perfume & nail polish. The rest should be trashed (yeah, right...I'm a tad too frugal to toss out that much stuff).

QM, You could make your millions if you open a business geared at smaller sizes of really good make-up (I'm not talking about those 98 cent Bon-bon things at Wal-Mart). Especially mascara. I NEVER go through a tube of it in the allotted time...besides, the brush gets gloopy before I'm done with it. Then we could all live in the house that Tiny Mascara built!

She also asked: "Did Scarlett really love Ashley or was she just after 12 Oaks?"

Scarlett didn't even love her own children. I highly doubt she loved Ashley...but then she wasn't too thrilled with the prospect of inheriting Tara in the beginning. "What do I want with a plantation?!" so I doubt a desire to be the mistress of 12 Oaks played into it either. I think it was all about what she couldn't have. If Ashley would have succumb to her charms at the Bar-b-Que, she would have dropped him like a hot potato. Fiddle-de-de.

Brando asks: "Do you ever get tired really burnt out on cooking?"

Can I just say, constantly? I really don't mind cooking most of the time, but I hate cleaning up afterwards (this is where I need my dad to come clean up after me since I spent so many of my teenage years cleaning up after his kitchen projects)...and I get tired of cooking the same things over & over. So, You could either live on take-out (which in this area consists mainly of Casey's Pizza), hire a personal chef (does Pilot cook?), or let your kids forage for berries in the surrounding woods. While all seem like they have their good points, I doubt they'll work out as well in reality.

Fear not, Summer is coming. Summer= grilling out, wiener roasts, pot-lucks, lots of fresh fruit & veggies, road side watermelon stands, Popsicles, a reason to leave the stove off, salad for dinner, cold pasta, a general break from heavy cooking. Until then, check out the archives of wha'cha got cookin'. You might find inspiration!

And finally, Samantha asks, " why is it called a pair of underwear? They aren't like socks. You don't wear two of them. Or have I been doing things the wrong way all these years?"

I have to say, this one has taken me a while (not to mention stumbling on what had to be some kind of gay men's website). According to someone at answerbag.com (not a gay man's website)it's a historical issue. Early on, pants were actually two separate pieces, two legs. They were put on one at a time & either laced up or held together by a belt of some other device. The were actually a pair of pants.

I hope you're all getting the answers you need!


Kork said...

I need to add to your response to QM - while it is not a well written novel, nor is it written by Margaret Mitchell..."Scarlett: The Sequel to Gone With the Wind" offers up just such answers...however, Rhett said it best toward the end of GWTW - she loved the IDEA of Ashley...he was this shining golden example of nobility and purity...everything Scarlett was not. She loved him the way she loved Ellen O'Hara - as something to be admired from afar, but never attainable to her. She was much too gritty and real.

As for the underwear issue...pants were held up by one's codpiece, which was often padded by those not amply endowed. Ironic how men were the ones stuffing, and wearing high heels to look better hundreds of years ago isn't it?

And my question for you Farmie - Why does Kermit the Frog think it's not easy being green?

Brando said...

Okay- I got another.

Pilot is not mine, but Rudy is and he does cook. As soon as I can drag the grill to the patio I probably will not have to cook again until October. I think the part I dislike the most is the clean up. I think if I cook he should clean up and vice versa.

Why are there 8 hotdogs in a pack and 12 buns?

Becuase at our house it really should be the other way becuase I don't usually eat a bun.

I LOVE this section.

FarmWife said...

I know which one is yours. I was simply suggesting you hire from outside the home. I mean, why pay your husband to cook? You could just threaten him. ;)

Anonymous said...

What would you like for your upcoming birthday?

Brando said...

Farmie- I am LOL. If I bring Pilot over to cook do I need to share with him or just let him cook and send him home.

I really need some help here. :)

Queen Mother said...


Back in the 60's GWTW was once more on the big screen.
My english teacher took our class to Chicago to see it. One of those fancy theaters. They gave us a booklet all about the movie, its history and a interview with Margaret Mitchell. When ask if she would write more about Rhett and Scarlett she said no. And when ask if Scarlett would have gotten Rhett back she said no.
I kept that booklet for a long time then pitched it. Now I wish I still had it.
But she probably changed her interviews to, so we will always wonder.