April 28, 2008

Dear Bitsy,

Please stay a baby a little while longer. You've grown so fast. I'm not ready for this. In less than two months you will be a year old. I don't know where this year has gone. Didn't we just bring you home from the hospital? Aren't you still napping 16 hours a day? Don't you still need neck support when picked up?

When did you get to be such a chatter box? Soon the babbles of "da-da-dat" will take on real meaning. In no time you'll be shouting bye-bye with the rest of them as Daddy leaves for work.

While you can only stand unsupported for a few seconds at a time, those seconds drag out a little more each day. Weeks are all I have left before my tiny girl is a toddler. You so want to chase through the house with your siblings, but I want you to watch safely from your perch on my hip. I'm not ready for you to join in the melee.

You're beginning to look away from me for nourishment. A sippy cup thrills you even though most of the milk ends up on your shirt front. I fear I may nurse you until you start pre-school just so I can keep that one bit of your babyhood. You don't even need me to feed you every bite. Your pincer grasp is down pat...Cheerios & rice puffs are your favorite past times.

And when did you fall so desperately in love with your daddy? Really, I don't mind. I'm thrilled when you all discover just how wonderful he is...but I can't help but be a tad jealous when you're upset & you prefer his embrace to mine.

Even your clothes are taking on a more decided "grown-up" look. As I unpacked the 12 month box, there were so many fewer onesies & sleepers. There are shorts & shirts; dresses without bloomers; real night gowns & pajamas. Soon your feet will be big enough for real shoes with soles. The worst part of that is, you'll need them as you stumble through the grass outside.

And speaking of outside...you prefer the sun & animals & fresh air to playing in the living room alone with me. It won't be long before you join the rest of the FarmHands in begging Daddy for rides in the wagon & a bunny to hold.

I know I complain when you wake up in the night & want to play. Secretly I love that at the end of your brief jaunt around the living room you want nothing more than to be bundled up in your blanket to cuddle on my lap. Soon we will both sleep through most nights, and while that sounds blissful, it means we'll miss out on that warm, sleepy, us time.

So please, my Bitsy Bee, consider staying a baby for your mama, just for a short while longer.

I love you to the moon & back.


emily said...

Not Your Baby!!! Oh no...already? Babies always get big too fast.

Kork said...

Already? Where can the time have gone????

You will just have to live vicariously through my babies...even though Captain isn't one anymore, I refuse to let Tiny Princess grow up.

In fact, we're moving to Peter Pan's Neverland (Not to be confused with Michael Jackson's) :D

Hugs, honey...and remember...pretty soon, there will only be one seat in the car, and the rest will be able to hop in and buckle up all by themselves! that's a good thing...trust me...

Margot said...

You just made me cry. This is so beautifully written !

Queen Mother said...


Granny has already missed to much.

Samantha said...

You summed up everything that I am feeling in your post. I thought that I was the only one out there that secretly treasured the waking in the middle of the night (which she still does). My baby is 16 months old and beginning to self wean. It is a sad time in my house, but happy still because I am glad that she is healthy and growing.

Mommy to 4 little people said...

OK my first night back on blogger...I steal away a few minutes to catch up on your blog and you make me cry?!?! I should have expected that :)
You so eloquently summed up my feelings. My Princess Fairheart is going to be a year old in 11 days! I can not even believe it! I think it is so much harder with her because I know she is my last baby. Thanks for sharing :)