Darling daughter,
I know your teeth are new. I understand that your gums hurt. I wish you were not in pain. But I have to tell you, if you bite me while nursing one more time today, I may wean you RIGHT NOW!! That could really suck for you (no pun intended) since you won't touch a bottle.
Think on this.
Your distraught mother
oh just remember how you wanted to enjoy each moment of this your last baby.
aw, I remember that feeling... it hurts! Although, now that my youngest is 10 and I know I'll never have another, I'm a little nostalgic of that particular pain.
Bee did that ALOT! Around the time she was Bitsy's age, I'd finally had enough and did something about it. She bit me, so I screamed out in pain (very loud and dramatic),told her no very firmly, pulled her off (ouch), sat her down in the middle of the room and turned my back on her and walked out of the room. She screamed for about 15 minutes and didn't want to nurse for the rest of the day. She wouldn't have anything to do with me. BUT, at bedtime she went back to nursing and never once bit me again. We continued on to nurse until she was about 22 months old without any problems. I know it sounds mean, but the only other alternatives are to give it up earlier than you want or to deal with the biting.
I can remeber each of the others biting at some point, but I don't remember any of them looking up at me, grinning, the grinding their little teeth at me. I'm wondering if she's evil....
Maybe you should file assault charges against her.
Ah yes, Bee also did the evil grinning thing....
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