October 10, 2007

Day has dawned

I had 4 phone calls about the pups yesterday. I sent 2 people emails with pictures and one more should call today with an email address. We may sell them after all. (Audible sigh of relief.)

Princess called me Monday to tell me HT had a 104 degree temperature. She'd been to the pediatrician with him, but didn't know anything. I told her not to get too worried. 104 is high, but not really dangerous (I did forget to mention the possibility of a febrile seizure, but I know that's fairly rare..only 2-4% of kids have them). Yesterday the fever was still high, so she & Big Daddy Axl loaded the little man up & headed back to the docs. Now they think he has Roseola. Scary, but not particularly dangerous. Thank the Lord.

Bucka came through his surgery pretty well. He's home now. Pretty sore, but QM said he's doing good. I may go see him this morning when the kids are at school.

Well, I hear foot steps. The day has begun.

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