Inkling has been telling me for years that I look like Julia Roberts. Until recently, I did not see it at all. The only reason I've come to (slightly) agree with her is a picture I saw of myself recentl
y. It isn't a good picture of me, but I do look quite a bit like Jules in it. But not in a good My Best
Friends Wedding or Notting Hill or even Pretty Woman kind of way. It's more like a Shelby going into sugar shock in Steel know, when she's all messy hair, teeth, & drool. "Quit talkin' 'bout me like I'm not here." Really not good.

QM noticed it while watching Ocean's 12. She didn't say anything because she thought Daddy would disagree. Then Bubba came in from watching it with his buddies. He told QM that the buddies were all talking about how hot Julia Roberts was & someone asked him if he agreed. His response? "Eww, no! That's like saying my sister is hot! That's gross!"
I've posted before about Cameron Diaz reminding me a great deal of my
sister. And Bubba looking like Leonardo...guess this makes us a fairly good looking family. QM always said she had to quit having babies because the pressure to have pretty babies was too great.

Last week in Wal-Mart an older woman stopped me to ask how old B.B. was. She kept saying, "He's just so pretty! Look at his eyes! He's absolutely gorgeous!" Now, being his mother, I'm contractually obligated to agree with her. But in reality, she's right. He is a very striking child. He does have fabulous, giant, beautiful eyes. That is a fact.

I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
Do we get to see a pic of you so we can see how much you look like Julia Roberts?
Nope. Sorry. We have a no faces policy around here. And I'd hate to dissapoint you when you find out it isn't really true.
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