June 15, 2007

Pregnancy Rant?

Why bother to bake the cookies when eating a handful of chocolate chips will suffice? This morning I'm glad I didn't bake them after all...we all may remember what happened last time (if not, I ate myself ill). I'm ill enough without them.
Why can't I sleep past 6 am? And why is my stomach in such a constant uproar? Don't answer those....they're only rhetorical. They're caused by the same thing that makes me waddle like a duck...Ragged, you hit the nail on the head with your "if it walks like a duck" thing.
My toe nails are painted. My suitcase is packed. I'm ready. Who really cares if the clothes aren't all out & the cradle sheets have yet to be washed? That's why QM & Art will be here tonight. I do need to make at least 1 trip to Wal-Mart first though...OK, so how about later this afternoon? Huh, Bitsy, what do you think?
And to be completely honest, this thing with STM & Angel Baby has me completely freaked out. I am absolutely terrified for them...and because I'm pregnant (& that in turn makes everything all about me), I'm terrified for Bitsy. Not that there's any reason to be, but never accuse a prego of rational thought. We are not capable...at least not this late in the game. My thinking goes: if something bad can happen to STM's perfect baby, something bad can happen to mine. And this causes a lack of sleep...and extra worry...and don't try to reason me out of it. It's an exercise in futility.
Please pray for STM...for Angel Baby...and then for me & Bitsy. They so need answers. And I'd really rather the answer not be what they are possibly facing.
Maybe in a few weeks I can start posting about something other than pregnancy....until then, you'll just have to deal with it. Husband does. QM does. Art does. But then, none of them can just skip reading my blog for a few weeks.


Grace said...

I would much rather have the cookies with milk-chocolate chips than just the chips. But they need to be baked just right... they still need to be gooey and doughey in the center... and flat. I like a flat choco-chip cookie over a fluffy one anyday. Okay, now I'm hungry!!

Anyway, I'm praying that you'll be patient and calm during these last few days! I love you girlfriend. You've done three other times, you can do it again!

Mommy to 4 little people said...

OK first off let me say that I know exactly how your are feeling. It has not been long enough since PF was born for my pregancy amnesia to set in. So it makes me feel better in a weird codependent kind of way to know you are going through the same feelings I have had. Here are 2 quotes that I like about worrying:
"It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Worry is rust upon the blade."
Henry Ward Beecher

"Worry is the interest paid on trouble before it falls due."
Author unknown

I know you will still worry but just remind yourself that God is in control!!

If you need to vent I am ALWAYS here.

luv ya bunches :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Grace's description made me hungry too!

I had a baby cousin born while I was pregnant, he had severe brain damage, and didn't last long. My Aunt actually called me to comfort -me-! Knowing how much it must have been worrying me. What an amazing woman, eh?

Praying for you and Bitsy!

Anonymous said...

As we have talked before, God is in control. He knows the hairs on Bitsy's head and the plans He has for her. Have Momma pray for you tonight. For peace and rest in Him. See you in the morning. I'm praying for the peace that passes understanding now.


Lauren said...

Prayin', sweetie!

FarmWife said...

Thanks everyone. I'm feeling much better about me & Bitsy although still very concerned about STM & her baby.

Oh, and I typed "hypothetical" instead of "rhetorical" so I had to go back & fix it...just so you know my grasp of the English language isn't that bad.