May 8, 2007

Duh, Mom!

Within minutes of changing his diaper in preparation for bed, B.B. informed me that he'd just pooped. The conversation was as follows:

Me- You should have told me that you needed to poop. You could have gone poop in the potty.

B.B.- Yeah. Poop in the potty.

Me- 'Cause you know you can't go on a sleep over with Uncle Gick if you're still wearing diapers.

B.B.- Yeah. Big boy pants.

Me- Yes. You have to be potty trained to spend the night at Uncle Gick's.

B.B.- NO! Me no can be potty trained!!!

Me- Why not?

B.B.- Me not a train!


Brando said...

That is so funny!!! He has a great sense of humor.

You will have to check out my blog for some Yin potty adventures.

Anonymous said...

the vision from "Look who's talking too" comes to mind as they dance and sing with a toilet seat on their head.Peepee in the potty!! You got a right to potty!!