I have a "new to me" keyboard. Last night, Husband was looking up a dairy farm we're going to try to get a calf from on the Internet and he discovered the keyboard wasn't working. This morning, the whole thing was doing strange things. I talked to NM at church (as he's our resident computer geek) and he said he'd be over after lunch to check it all out. I now no longer have a functioning floppy drive (which I've never used anyway) but I do have a new keyboard. It feels strange & I wonder how long it's going to take to get used to it. But I am thrilled to have it!
Last night Needlefingers called. She posted earlier in the week that she had completed the MPO (Mystery Pink Object) and needed to deliver it. She and Pilot came by last night to bring it to us. It's beautiful! If you check her blog in the next few days, I'm pretty sure she'll have pictures posted. BabyGirl was thrilled to have a beautiful pink blanket to wrap her new sister in...now if we can only wait for Bitsy to arrive.
Oh, and we discovered that if you try to get directions to our house from Needles & Pilot's from Map Quest, it'll try to send you down a road that hasn't existed in 30+ years. Needles said the name of the road and I knew it was familiar so I assumed it was the next road to our East...well, it is, sort of. It's actually Grandma in Country's driveway. Years ago (when Husband's great grands lived in the house) there was a road that went through to the next gravel road to our North. At some point the bridge washed out and since Grandpa in Country was the only one who ever used the road, he told the county not to worry about putting a new one in. They didn't and since then, the field has overtaken all of the road except the short bit between Grandma's drive and our road. When Husband and I were dating, I always wondered why there was a stop sign at the end of their driveway.
Last year we bought him the Fisher-Price bubble mower. He will follow about 50 yards behind the riding mower for the better part of an acre. I cannot tell you how many pictures I have of him pushing his little mower around the yard.
#1 Son is ill again. Husband had just dressed him for church this morning when he threw-up all over the rug in the livingroom. He hasn't vomited since...I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I won't let him have a cup of milk (he's not happy about that), but he just ate part of a cinnamon roll. We'll see how this goes. He wants to play out side...guess if the vomits out there, I won't have to scrub it out of the carpet.
What a cute little guy!
Indeed if #1Son vomits outside, you won't have to clean it so it can be a good idea to let him go and play. Then again, the outside air might not do him good and get him even sicker...
B.B. is gorgeous, mowing. I'm sure he'll be very proud of these pictures later, because it really looks like he is the one mowing ;-)
Love the picture of B.B. mowing. It's adorable.
That's really interesting about the road. When we were deeding the land to the kids we found the original sites and I remembered them from when I was about seven. It sure looks different now.
Hope #1 Son feels better quickly!
I always put some old newspaper in the bottom of a plastic shopping bag and get my kids to vomit in that if they can't get to the bathroom. Then you can just chuck it out!
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