Secondly, the cold is settling in my chest. I now sound like Ang probably did a few days back & am coughing like Husband was early in the week. Sipping my Lipton Herbal Peppermint Tea...
Now, on with the show. This morning I was sleeping in the recliner when the boys woke up. I moved out there about 4 am when my cough started. Pretty soon, Lilly was whining to get out of her kennel and go out. I planned on crashing back in the chair just as soon as she came in, so my glasses were still on the bar stool I had been using as a bed side table. I do not see clearly without them (understatement), but don't really need to to let the dog into her run.
I noticed one of our black cats (we have 2) hanging out in the field between the house and chicken yard/goat pen. As soon as I let Lilly out, the cat started running toward the pasture. I thought that was sort of odd, as they usually run to Lilly May's pen to greet her in the morning. My next thought was, "Something's wrong with that cat." It was running oddly, as though injured. My third thought was, "Oh, dear Lord...Please don't let that thing turn around and come back to check Lilly out!" I ran for my glasses and confirmed my suspicions.

Now I wonder if it's the same one Husband made friends with back in October. Q.M. (all hail the Queen Mother) and Art the Omnipotent were up visiting with Art's brood in October. We had been at the Church chowder and Husband stayed at the house to do his chores. When Art and I came home with half our broods, Husband came loping across the field with his bow on his shoulder. He thought our coming home would have scared off the deer. But as it was not near dark yet, he headed back to his tree (unbeknownst to me). Q.M. showed up with her half of the brood and we plopped 6 wiggly bodies into the tub. I was wondering what happened to my Husband, but not too concerned as he can always find something to do out side. Night fell, bed time stories were read, Q.M. and Art loaded up their half of the brood to head back to Busha and Bucka's & the camper (which was the highlight of Syd, Lulu, and Mr.C.A.'s weekend). I thought they had left when I heard talking by the side steps. Curious I opened the door to find Q.M., Art, and Husband hanging out in the drive way, telling tales.
Apparently after the commotion of our return had settled down, Husband headed back to his tree to continue his hunt. Just before dark, he started down the tree, but heard something in the underbrush. He stopped climbing the stand down the tree to wait and see what the critter would be. Pretty soon a skunk came idling along and took up watch directly under Husband's tree. As he'd already lowered his bow (and wouldn't want to chance a shot anyway) he had no choice but to sit and wait for the skunk to wander back off into the darkness. This took a while. Luckily it did, and Husband escaped unsprayed.
BTW, that is not the skunk from my yard. I am not a glutton for punishment...although if I got sprayed I doubt I could smell it now. That is google's skunk. Thanks google.
Bruno spoke with Ang yesterday she STILL sounds really bad...Hope you feel better soon...And Hubby and I want a pet skunk SO BAD!!! So if you don't mend send him this way...
You can have pet skunks?!!
Anyway... glad all including Lilly escaped unsprayed. Ever since the possum incident, I'm always scared of what other critters lurk under our deck on in the brush that the dog will find. I'm mostly scared she'll find another possum or a skunk. Mostly I'm scared of the skunk. You do keep tomato juice stocked in the pantry right? ;)
P.S. Love your fanciful avatar today :)
Oh thank the Lord Lilly didn't get sprayed. Drink your tea, and rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Did I say rest?
Be good
I hope you feel better soon!
Loved the skunk story, but felt so sorry for you being sick and outside in the cold air. You need to stay inside and take it easy. Rest is the best medicine.
Your avatar is beautifully fanciful.
Did I just say "beautifully fanciful"? How strange.
I think they can get the sprayer removed to make them more house-friendly...
hope you are feeling better SOON!!!!!
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