December 1, 2006

Blogger Anonomus

  1. Do you find yourself blogging in your head as you go about your day?
  2. Do you find yourself waking in the night, unable to go back to sleep for thinking of what to blog in the morning?
  3. Do you loose sleep wondering if someone else has blogged since you last checked?
  4. Do you blog 2 or more times on the average day?
  5. Do you have more than 10 blogs linked in you sidebar?
  6. Do you check them all daily?
  7. Do you check your website counter frequently?
  8. Do you check for comments on your blog more than 4 times a day?
  9. Do you find yourself telling stories to your family about people you've never met face to face and who's real names you don't know?
  10. Have you ever cried over the story on someone else's blog?
  11. Have you ever laughed yourself sick over the story on someone else's blog?
  12. Do you ever forget there are other things on the internet besides blogs?
  13. Do you curse at your computer when Blogger looses your post?
  14. Do you feel the need to comment on every single blog you read just so it's known you were there?
If you have answered yes to 3 or more of the above questions, you may be in the midst of Blogger Addiction. If you or a loved one is suffering from this common affliction. We at the Blogger Addiction Institute are here to help.

You may join us for daily support here or on any of the blogs listed in the side bar. You may rest assured that your anonymity will be protected (as long as you don't use your real name) and that you will never be judged (unless you start blogging more than 6 times a day, and then we'll have you committed).

If you want more personal, one on one help, just contact Grace, Lauren, or me (Farm Wife) because we seem to have the best handle on our blogging addiction.

Thank you for your support.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh....I answered yes to all but maybe one of those. I'm cackling like a hyena. I actually posted 7 times yesterday, and of course I'm on here again, it's only been 2 hours or so since I commented on your last post.

Lauren said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

Miraculously, I didn't get on until after noon today! There is hope!

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess it's good to know that ya'll are in the first step....half the battle is in admitting that you have a problem you know. So, are you developing a blogging 12-step program? If so, maybe you should make it available to Canadians.

I took your quiz. The 1st time both Henry David and I were 82% Canadian. The 2nd time, we were 100%. That's scary. I guess two of the questions were more regional. I wonder if immigration would speed up my process because of my score.....

Anonymous said...

I found myself cracking up and I swear almost every answer was yes. Oh Lord...Then there's one that needs to be added..You are with your family and an event occurs, they immediatly look at you and ask "Is this going in the blog?" or "Uh oh mom's got that look in her eye, I think this is going in the blog"

FarmWife said...

BTW, I know I spelled Anonymous wrong in the heading. Curse you spell check...should've got that one.

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

And so I did say yes to all!!OMG...There is no hope as now I have a sisterhood that really understands...BTW the only reason I posted sooooooooooooo much in one day was I had no power and so much to tell you all..and I can not wait to make your soup!!Sounds yummy. Looks wonderful too.

Anonymous said...

Another way to tell your addicted, "when you start refering to everyone, even your children, by their blog names." I was just sending an email to someone I have know since I was ten, Grandma type person, and I kept using the kids blog names. That's pathetic. I was talking to best friend Ruby this morning and I actually refered to Inkling's hubbie and Henry David instead of -------. I think she's starting to worry about me.

By the way, the only reason I'm on this late is that Smart Guy is on his way home from a concert 3 hours or so away with a van load of teenagers. I usually fall asleep on the couch and go to bed when he comes in, but alas here I sit, AGAIN. Oh no, it really is worse than I thought!!!

Nan said...

It's a little eerie to have someone hone in on my "addiction" so well. Is this an intervention? I guess I may need one.

"My name is Cate and I'm addicted to blogging. It's been twenty-three minutes since my last comment."

Oh, and I laughed out loud when I read Grace's comment to your post. It should definitely be added to the list.