There he is...Larry-Boy...the sometimes bane of my existence. In 2 days we've watched his videos about 15 times...I need a break! But he is kinda cute. And I guess it's better that #1 Son wants to be Larry-Boy than say...Michael Jackson! Huh, Bubba? (Long story for another day.)
Princess went to the doctor last night. She had an ultrasound and a due date. H.T. should be making his/her appearance around November 18th. I'm excited. She had some issues with the lab so her blood work won't be done until Thursday. She was frustrated and hormonal. I felt so bad for her, but they got to see H.T. so that was exciting!
I'm getting frustrated with my hair. My hair is a major issue with me. I've done just about everything you can think of to it. Short list: perms, body waves, a square perm (it involved wrapping my hair around tongue depressors and I looked like the Bride of Frankenstein), long (almost to my waist), short(looked like a boy), in between, spiked, shaved (OK, only the underside, but it was still shaved), red, brown, nearly black, auburn, blue, purple, plum, braids, hair wraps, curly, strait, pony tails, pig tails and buns... Now I'm sporting it my natural brown, layered, just below my shoulder blades, and normally in a pony tail. I'm growing out my bangs...again. They always seem like a good idea, but a cow lick prevents them from looking good.
My goal is to grow it long enough to donate it to Locks of Love. My hair grows quickly and is fairly thick. I can never seem to make up my mind what to do with it, so I figure if I have a goal, I may just stick with it thus giving my hair purpose. Husband likes it long, but I get tired of pony tails and washing and combing and styling and the all around hassle. Some little girl with cancer would be much more appreciative of my hair than I am.
Baby Girl on the other hand is following in Needlefinger's foot steps. She wants her's LONG! She tells people she's growing it to her ankles. Right now it's about 2 inches below her shoulders...this could take a while.
An admirable goal, in my opinion. ;)
When I was a little girl I had a barbie that you could pull the hair and it would be long and then somehow you could push a button or something and it would be short. I really wish that I had one of those buttons. Last time I got my hair cut I let her cut long bangs. I wasn't even out of the hair and I regretted it. Oh Well you live and learn...
i just thought you should know that
calm down Bubba, everyone wanted to Michael Jackson. i still do. The Mike from the 80's that is. hey man, Billie Jean is not my lover, She's just a girl.
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