Little BIL is here. The in-laws got in about 4 o'clock this morning after picking him up at the air port. He came over around 10:30. The kids are thrilled. It's a beautiful day so we've been out side since about 9 am (this time complete with sun block). My feet are almost black, there's dirt under my nails, but it's been good.
Husband dug out all the kids summer out side toys and we drug them up to the side yard where they play. The wagon is out and rides are being begged. Uncle Little BIL taught Baby Girl to throw a Frisbee. Clothes are out on the line. The windows are all open. A breeze is cleaning the stale air out of my house. I couldn't really ask for more today.
I'm taking a quick break before folding laundry and making beds. I need to run to town today to spend all our money, but it's too nice to waste the day in Wal-Mart...Maybe tonight. Little BIL is coming over tonight to watch Fight Night on Spike with Husband...yippee. I'll get over it.
I now know why we can't get Baby Girl to take Claritin. I haven't bought any allergy meds for myself this year (not nursing and not being pregnant to me means not having to suffer through allergy season unmedicated), so I took hers. UGH!!!!! Nasty stuff. I'm not going to try to get her to take it anymore, it's horrible and thick so you can't get the taste out of your mouth. Fruit Punch Flavor my hind end!
By the way, what are you doing wasting your time in doors on the computer?
To answer your final question, i'm stuck in a sweltering office with no windows right now. I have to be on the computer anyway... I might as well be living outside vicariously through you ;) Only 15 more minutes and I'll be outside too though :D
So where did the calf fly in from? Or did they just pick him up at the airport?
I think the calf came from a Dairy Farm near our old home town...he rode home in the back of their Chevy Blazer. He's livin' in style.
It's 7pm. I think I deserve some computer time after the day I've had. Who am I kidding...I've had a ball!
The calf is beautiful. She is aptly named.
I've tried the kids meds before too. "Look Robbie, Nana likes it..." Yuck!...spit, spit, spit.
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