I was inspired by Ragged yesterday so I decided to post a picture of my favorite corner. I'm not sure this is really my favorite corner since it isn't really a corner at all. It's my kitchen window above the sink. It's more the place I spend the most time than my favorite place, but I still like it.
The picture isn't great, being back lit and all, but I wanted you to see my view. Give it 3 months and it'll be fabulous!
When my folks were building their house, Mama changed the kitchen lay out. The sink was originally against a blank wall. Mama had it moved so it sat under the window. I can't imagine washing dishes at a sink with no window over it. And mine faces the front of our property. I love that I can watch the road while I'm there.Let's go left to right. First you can see a little green oil lamp. Grandma lives with Bucka gave that to me for Christmas years ago In case we ever lost power. It has a holly to tie on it at Christmas.
Then there's a pillar candle left over from our wedding (8 1/2 years ago). On top of it is the XM radio antenna. Have to have my XM to do the dishes!
The aloes are the only house plants I've kept alive and away from the kids. The yellow planters are really old Pyrex dessert dishes Husband found while cleaning out our creek the year we started to build. They were in his grandparent's old dump site (it's a country thing). The white one belonged to his Grandma W. As a matter of fact, the aloes themselves were brought back from a family vacation to Arizona and Texas by MIL when Husband was a kid. She brought them back for her mom, and when Grandma W died (2 years to the day before Husband and I were married) she kept one off shoot for each of the kids. They were in sad shape when I inherited them but I guess I have a talent for growing aloes because they keep multiplying on me. They need to be repotted and given away. Anyone need an aloe?
The bottles are also finds from old country dumps. Husband and I went through one when we were dating and brought back most of them. One is a pale lavender glass chili powder bottle Princess brought me from her trip to Colorado with Grandma and the Great Aunties. Oh, and an old power line insulator. I love those things.
In the window is a crochet cross. I admired it hanging from a friend's rear view mirror 11 years ago. When I said it was beautiful, she pulled it off and gave it to me. A friend of hers made them and whenever someone commented on them, she'd give one to them.
The blue glass sun catcher was a gift from Did. It has an elephant on it. I collect elephants and Did has given me some of my favorites! Next to it is a heart that says "Land that I Love." Uncle E gave it to me for helping at VBS one year. Last of all is my Drama Chick. Unkie Di gave it to me the day they came to help with the piglets. She's too cute to only put out at Christmas!
I have to report a horrible development. B.B. has learned to open the interior doors. No more can I simply shut him out of the bathroom. Ugh!
Thank you for sharing. I like the view from the window as well. I don't have any corners of interest around here but maybe I'll post a favorite spot, too. (After I clean up the boys' messes)
You can always give aloes as wedding gifts or Canadian housewarming gifts, or so I'm told anyway.
As for the BB opening doors thing....oh boy. I don't even know what to suggest, because don't you have the handles that one can't put the child-resistant covers on? Maybe just get BB good swimming lessons for when he decides to explore the toilet. And I'd put the toothbrushes high up somewhere. Or you could always mail him to Dr. Dobson for the duration of his toddler years.....
It's a beatiful corner or your window on the world.
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