Luke seems to be doing well with his stitches. He only rubs at them when I put the antibiotic ointment in his eye. But who can blame him for that?
Yesterday I was watching Cosby show re-runs. Husband doesn't understand why I watch them. "Didn't you watch them all when you were a kid?" (This from the man who had never seen a Star Wars movie until we started dating!) I didn't watch the show much as a kid. I think it came on on Wednesday night while we were at church.
At any rate, Rudy and her friend Peter had run a bunch of grapes through Cliff's new juicer making an enormous mess all over the kitchen. Claire was very clam about the whole thing. She sat Rudy down and had a heart to heart and then took her to the kitchen to clean it up. She even laughed when she heard that Peter's mother found him standing in the laundry basket saying, "I didn't do it."
The entire time I was watching I was thinking, "Why can't I be more like Claire Huxtable?" She's always calm. Never blows up at her kids. Never screams, "Why did you do that?!" But then, she's not real. Neither is Little Bill's mom (maybe it's just a Felicia Rashad fascination). I love her too.
Grandma B (my aunt's mother...Technically she isn't my grandmother, but that doesn't make her any less my grandma) asked me yesterday how I do it. She and Grandpa B came over to get some eggs and visit for a bit. The kids were wound up. The dogs were wound up. I was running out of steam. I told her I don't really do it. I just pretend. To be honest, most days I never know how I've made it to bed time without a major nervous breakdown. I think most mothers feel the same, but we aren't allowed to say so.
Captain Destructo has been at it again. Yesterday he pulled the pet net out of his sister's wall bringing a mess of stuffed animals crashing down on his head. The day before he emptied a bottle of shampoo into the bath (did I already mention that?). Oh, and while he was being Larry Boy yesterday morning, he punched the monster (his dad) in the same place Spider-Man punched the Green Goblin a few weeks ago. This time the monster had a knee jerk reaction...Literally. His knee came up and Larry Boy was knocked down.
#1 Son and I had to have a long and very specific discussion about playing nice. I never thought I would have to say, "I don't care if Daddy is a monster. You can not punch him in the testicles." To which he replied, "Me have to. Me have no Super Suction Ears!" I'm going to have to buy Husband a sports cup to wear around the house.

This is Jelly. She's Baby Girl's pet rock (and you thought those things went out 30 years ago). Baby Girl made her early in the school year. When she brought her home, Jelly was just a rock with green paint. We added eyes and the bow at home. This morning Jelly lost an eye. Luckily Wal-Mart carries her model. "I don't think you're ready for this jelly..." Sorry, every time I see her I can't help but sing a little Destiny's Child.
I've often wondered how you do it as well. As much as you feel like you just make it through - I really admire moms like you. Not all mom's would go out and buy new eyes for a rock. Some would just give it a patch and let jelly be half blind.
LOL, on the Destiny's Child thing.
How funny - when Pumpkin was up at the godawful hour she woke up the other day, *I* was watching Cosby on tv... And it was one with all Rudy's friends -- haven't seen it in YEAAAAAAARS, and as soon as they showed that kid, I thought to myself, "Oh, It's Peter." Why on earth do I remember that? I can't do physics, and can't remember the logic behind e = mc-squared, but I remember the pudgy kid on Cosby was named Peter? Sheeeeesh.
I sometimes wish I had a sitcom writer to script my life. Whenever I ask myself why can't life be like a sit com, I remind myself that in many ways it is.
I sometimes wish I had a sitcom writer to script my life. Whenever I ask myself why can't life be like a sit com, I remind myself that in many ways it is.
You are my HERO!! I have no idea how you do it all...The full house of chaos...And somehow you are still kind and you haven't run away from home. I think I would be hiding bodies or at least myself...
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