February 13, 2006

Kids, Meet Piglets. Piglets, Meet Kids.

The first picture is shortly after Husband brought them in. They're still a little icky, and you can see some umbilical cords in there. Not for the squeamish! And this is my favorite piglet (notice the Royal Flush Blush on my thumbnail!). I love his spots! If they stayed this size, I'd keep them all.

We've lost at least one of the piglets during the night. Sows are bad about sitting on them, and I saw one that was buried in the straw when I checked this morning. I only counted 8 under the heat lamp, so I'm pretty sure there's another one buried in the hay somewhere. (Husband just came in and said we only lost the one. The piglet I like had climbed through the hog panels and was hanging out with one of the other sows. He also said I should have told you yesterday that the Sow's name is Bacon.) I dread having to explain this to Baby Girl. We had to run up to the hog shed so she could see the piglets before heading to the bus stop.

#1 Son wasn't happy when he woke up and the piglets weren't in the kitchen. They weren't there when he went to bed last night, so I'm not sure why he thought they'd be there now. Then he wanted to go out and see them in his PJ's. I wouldn't let him (it was 15 degrees) and he wasn't happy with me (that seems to be the theme for today).

The kids were so funny yesterday when the piglets were in the house. They were fighting and yelling to come see them. Once I had them cleaned up a bit I let the kids come in one at a time to see them. Baby Girl thought they were cute, but she didn't like the squealing and was not thrilled with the placentas and umbilical cords everywhere. I think that's why she was so quick to go to church with her cousins.

#1 Son and B.B. seemed unphased by it all. They didn't mind the noise, smell, or mess. #1 Son watched them quietly and would've camped out by the tub all morning if I'd have let him. B.B.
wanted to get in the tub with them. We had to keep a close eye on him to be sure he didn't take a nose dive into a pile of piglets. He also wanted to pet them, but isn't so good at the "easy" thing. I was trying to give one of them a bottle of electrolytes. He kept trying to sneak in and take it when he thought I wasn't looking.

Once Husband took the stronger ones out to the mother, I had the sickly one in a diaper box wrapped in towels in the kitchen. B.B. was napping and I picked up the 2 older kids from their cousin's house. The cousins had given #1 Son a sucker which he dropped on the piglet in the box. Then he was angry because I wouldn't let him eat it. A pork lollipop didn't sound too appealing to me.

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