January 25, 2006

Did I Miss Something?

This morning I had to bathe B.B. because his bananas had made a pit stop in his hair before heading to his mouth. Naturally that meant #1 Son also needed to take a bath... no privacy in this house. B.B. was out first because he was close enough to the edge of the tub that I could catch him without getting soaked. I dried him, wrapped him in his towel and sent him to the living room. As soon as I snared #1 Son, we headed to the living room as well.

When we rounded the corner I saw B.B. standing buck naked on top of my antique leather topped end table in a puddle. I'll give you 3 guess what the puddle was made of and the first 2 don't count. He was so proud of himself.

When Husband joined the land of the living I told him the G.P.'s cage needed cleaning and I headed off to take a shower. As I was rinsing off, I got company. Both the boys were in the bathroom and the youngest was naked again. I got out and asked what was going on. Husband replied that he was just doing what he was told. I didn't realize that cleaning up after the G.P.'s meant neglecting the children.

I dressed and headed to the living room to assess the damage. One more puddle. While I was cleaning that one up, B.B. stripped his diaper off and peed on the couch. Is it some kind of twisted holiday where people go around urinating on my furniture all day?

As Husband was getting ready for work, #1 Son decided he needed his whiskers shaved. He headed to the bathroom to have his dad help him. When he was done, he went to wash his face. Being resourceful he got out his own washrag, got his own water, and washed his face. The only problem was where the water came from. All I can say is that at least this time whoever used it last remembered to flush. Thank the Lord for small blessings.


Anonymous said...

When i was a kid, we called it "running around naked time". It was a time to look forward to every day, when the oppressive weight of cotton/polyester blend was lifted from my young shoulders. As I recall, this time of day usually involved a lot of running and kicking, and various imaginary dance steps. It was generally followed by a shared bath with my sister. It's nice to see that the next generation takes traditional naky-time seriously.

Ramblin73 said...

Well I can't believe that National Urination day has snuck up on me again. I already went to the bathroom and wasted it. I could have watered down the recliner instead. I guess I will have to wait until next year.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Maybe he was "marking" his territory.

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh! What a day! Here's hoping that the day ended without too much lasting damage to the furniture...

Nan said...

I love to come over here for a giggle. I think the stories you post are so funny because I can relate to them so well.

We actually waited to have our carpet changed because we knew what would happen when the gkids were potty-training!