January 17, 2006

All Hail the Domestic Goddess

To borrow a phrase from Roseanne Barr (the "domestic goddess"part of the title)! I'm feeling very domestic today. I may even dust!

Bad news, Inkling and Henry David can't come today. They had an appointment they had to keep. I'm a little bummed because I was really looking foreword to meeting him. But I also understand. He's only here for a week and there's a lot to get done. Maybe next time he's in the lower 48. I did get to talk to him last night for a minute. He talks faster than I do with is really saying something.

The good news is that my house is exceptionally clean right now. Of course the boys are awake, so that could change really fast! If I get the urge to dust and scrub the bathrooms we could be living good! I even cleaned that burnt on junk in the oven that makes the smoke alarm go off every time I cook!

And I baked a pie last night. Blackberry... To be eaten half drowned in creamer. It's a family thing. I'm dealing with a pretty serious pie crust addiction right now, and it seems strange to make a pie without the filling. In the past 3 weeks I've made Blueberry, Peach and now Blackberry. Yummy!

Yesterday we had yet another beautiful mid-January day. 60 degrees, sunny, no rain (I can't say dry because we've had so much rain lately we still had to break out the mud boots). I took the little people outside to play for about an hour and a half. We had a great time.

We even walked half way down the gravel road towards Great-Grandma's. We were going to go all the way until Baby Girl and #1 Son discovered the stream that runs through the ditch. After that we didn't get very far because they had to keep stopping to throw rocks in the water. It was very exciting.

I took both cameras out with us and I think I got some pretty good pictures. I used my film camera around the yard, but took the digital on our walk. The digital is so handy, but there's just something about the click and snap of a "real" camera. My dilemma is "instant gratification or a really great picture"? I can't decide. I guess when my brother-in-law takes his camera back it'll be decided for me.

He joined the military just before Thanksgiving and gave us his computer. That's how we finally became technologically capable. He left his digital camera with me until he goes over seas this spring. I've been making the most of it. Eventually I'll even figure out how to post pictures here. But don't hold your breath.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

You will just have to get a digital camera of your own. Trust me, you can have good photos and instant gratification, just be patient with the camera.