August 6, 2007

Life according to B.B.

With the two older kids at VBS this week, I'm already learning lots of things about B.B. His imagination is rather advanced for a child not yet three years old. Here are some samplings of conversations I had with him tonight:

On the way home from dropping BabyGirl & #1 Son at church...QM (who decided not to leave until tomorrow) was home with Bitsy.
FW- Do you think Bitsy is being a good girl for Grammy, or is she crying & whining?
BB- No, her is being good. Her and Grammy is in da' trees.
FW- What? They're in the trees?
BB- Yeah.
FW- Oh dear, how did they get there?
BB- Dem climbed da trees.
FW- How is Grammy going to get Bitsy down?
BB- It's OK, Bitsy growed up, Mommy.
FW- Just since we've been gone?
BB- Yeah, but her will be a little baby again when we get home.

Then he informed me that a little bear put him in a bucket of water and turned him into a rainbow. How did I miss that happening?

When he was in the bath I asked a question I thought I knew the answer to*.
FW- Can you tell Grammy where we got Baby Bitsy?
BB- Daddy gotted her.
FW- He did? How?
BB- In da car.
FW- Where did he get her from?
BB- Da house.
FW- What house?
BB- Da payin' house. And he gotted a Casey's Pizza there too, but we ate it all gone.
* The answer is usually, "From Aunt Princess." Not sure why, but he thinks she gave us Bitsy...sometimes he also thinks Bitsy and HT are the same baby.

He and I made brownies while the other kids were at church. I was talking to Princess on the phone while we were working so she overheard most of this.

BB- What's dat?
FW- Cooking spray so the brownies don't stick to the pan.
BB- Oh yea! I like cooking spray!
FW- Well, I didn't know that.
BB- Yeah, I do. But if I eat these brownies I will turn into a girl.
FW- I don't think so.
Princess- Uncle Axl eats brownies and he hasn't turned into a girl yet.
BB- Yeah, but I will turn into a girl if I eat these brownies.

He was licking the mixer beaters when I was putting away the vegetable oil. I turned around to see him dipping the mixer back in the brownie batter. I told him there was to be no double dipping in the brownie batter. You might not want to eat baked goods at our house for a while. Oh, and never eat anything B.B.'s already had a bite of. He tends to lick things before he takes a bite.


anonymous jones said...

My son is eight and he still sniffs things before eating them.

Anonymous said...

well at least your mom didn't tell you that your sibling was thrown in the garbage can when you came home looking for may have to write that story some day

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Why on earth would you have the oven on with the heat wave advisory? Oh I can hardly what to hear this one!

FarmWife said...

I had the oven on because I had a two year old who didn't get to go to VBS with his older siblings. He picked them out at the store on Friday when he was being an angel (seriously, he's never behaved better at the grocery) just to make when the others were gone. Oh, and it was 7 had cooled off to 94 by then. :)

I wish I could make it through the day without turning it on, but it never happens.